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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The great majority of people will go on observing forms that cannot be explained; they will keep Christmas Day with Christmas gifts and Christmas benedictions; they will continue to do it; and some day suddenly wake up and discover why.” – “On Christmas,” Generally Speaking



In Which we have Mods for Civ 5 and the Age of Giants

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Tuesday! How are you, this first third of the week? As for me, I am okay, virtually better from the flu, thank Goodness. I had therapy yesterday, and it went very well, though I had to do it online. The reason for this move is the fact I am facing financial hardships once more. You think, after paying your dues, that you will be free from any future spenditure. Ah, not quite. Life moves on, and so does the bills. You have groceries to get, one and other amenity to purchase, and sometimes slicing the prices into smaller sizes in the end bites you in the back. The situation is not as bad as before my birthday, but I am in a scale from greeb to red, on a yellow. Christmas and cats! What is not to love? The past few days saw me trying some Civ 5 once more, and with some mods, which I was not too keen about some years ago. I stumble upon quite a big one, the Vox Populi community patch, and I have been getting myself familiar wirh it ever s

In which we talk about my last Holiday and sandcastles!!

Hello everyone!! Happy Sunday to you! It was supposed to be happy Saturday, I know, but something bad happened yesterday: my internet died. I traveled to the beach, and the internet is much more unreliable there. I managed to make the song friday, the internet was good friday, but on Saturday everything went south. I'm really sorry guys, I feel bad, I'm writing the post today and I'll try to write an extra post this or next week to compensate that, but there's something more.
I got overwhelmed yesterday by a huge storm that happened in my mind. It got out of control pretty fast and it caused some damage, so I had to take some quick mental rest. Sometimes this things happen, unfortunately.
So, how are you today? How are things going? As always, I wish for the best!
Anyway, like I said, it was a Holiday in Brazil yesterday (actually not quite yesterday but I mean come on the holiday was like on Friday, the weekend got mixed in that too). Day 7th of September is intependence day, the day in which D. Pedro I refused to return to Portugal, inspite of the demands of a much angry portuguese population and the wishes of his father, D. JoĂŁo VI, who previously was reigning Portugal through Rio de Janeiro, located in brazilian territory, but had to return to his country after Portugal fell into civil unrest (the story on how the hell the portuguese royal family ended up in Brazil is quite an ingenious one, but I will save it for another time). This refusal of course led to some tensions between the territory of Brazil and Portugal. But, on the contrary to the violent and messy revolutions going on through Latin America back then, Portugal and Brazil managed to settle an agreement, with the help of the British Empire, so major bloodshed and chaos was avoided and Brazil became a separate Kingdom: the Brazilian Empire. This one lasted until was overthrown by a coup D'etat in 1889, but that's a story for another story, okay, moving on, enough with the boring history stuff...
So I went to the beach with family this Thursday! I don't like the beach too much. To be fair, I kind of do, but it's not necessarily my favorite place. There's a thing I love to do on beaches though, and it is SANDCASTLES!!!!
I love building sandcastles so much!!!! And that beach we went was so good to build them, because the sand was moisty and nice! I love developing cities filled with sandcastles, I feel so happy doing them, my imagination catches fire and I really feel happy!! Today I just wanted to share my latest ones with you guys, in the future I'll show my older ones, but for today just the ones I did this holiday!

I really value a very large and strong basis when building sandcastles, the stronger the better, and after that I put one chunk of sand on the top of the other. I pick the chunck of sand and I place on the top of the basis very strongly until it covers the whole surface, one on the top of the other, very carefully and slowly and so on, I call this method "the drum method", because it's basically like a cilinder of sand on the top of the other until I reach the height I want. I developed this method back on 2017, the story of that though will have to wait for another post.

This one I did a day after the previous one! It's a little bit smaller, but it resisted a very much more adverse scenario, with water everywhere.

I prefer to do a lot of towers instead of just one, but sandcastles are really demanding to build, and the drum method makes them even harder and more exhausting, so I got really tired and with my body broken just with one tower! But I do love doing them!
So that's it for today! Thank you so much for being here! You're the very best! And I'm really sorry for what happened, I'll do my best to try to avoid that to ever happen again, see you guys soon!


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