Hello everyone!! Happy Wednesday to you!!! How are you today and how are things going?? As usual, I wish you the best, and hope everything is doing fine indeed!! As for me, today was a bit too hot, as we're approaching summer, and college was productive! I had a somewhat difficult day yesterday. Today is being a better day, even though I feel like my stomach is sick and my head is spinning on the same thoughts... Well, somedays are better than others, right, doesn't mean every Wednesday has to be bad, doesn't mean anything like that, every day is a different day, right? One step at a time. I'd rather judge this day as a good or a bad one in the future, for now, I'm just having a day, and that's it (though I do appreciate when someone asks how I am and the person says "hope you're having a good day). I'm so excited for Christmas and just this whole atmosphere of November that comes with the wind, that is not so strong these days. I can feel thanksgiving and Fall season as well, though through distance. You know what, that's fine with me, I love thanksgiving, guess I'm a nerd for American Holidays, I can't help myself!
Well, and today is sketch of the week day! And I have a new character to introduce to you all!!! Everyone: Meet Simon Atomic, aka Dr. Atomic!
Dr. Atomic was born in this Sunday, I was frustrated I didn't get to do much drawings as I wanted to in this weekend, as I had a busy Saturday and a slow Friday. Since I didn't sketch anything, I decided I wanted to do something different in some way, so I mixed Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving and the winds of November, and so our character emerged! It's also me trying something different with color pencils, trying to fade the colors more and more. I did brought the eyes, the nose and the sweater into evidence though, I tried some new prints for the sweater, themed on Christmas. His nose and eyes got very dark blue details into it, which I love, and his hair is ginger, bringing up the colors of thanksgiving (he might as well be a Weasley!). I did some patterns for the background as well, but it cannot be seen properly in the picture, because it's too pale, but it's some blue loops bringing up the winds of November.
Simon "Atomic" Brown is 14 years old, and is, as most of my characters, a very quiet and reliable person. He's gentle and he loves holidays. He likes porcelain and woodcrafted stuff, he also likes pottery, though the stuff he owns he or his parents bought, as he has no physical condition for such manual work. He doesn't go out too much, as his poor health never allows him to do so, he's always struggling against something, from flu to Pneumonia, Simon is not too lucky on this issue. He spends most of his time at home, trying to keep his head busy on his free time. He is homeschooled by one of the friends of the family, who is a tutor.. His best friend is the daughter of the kind tutor, whose name is Adelaide. Simon likes Adelaide's name a lot, he likes names that stick to your mind. He searched for the meaning of this name, and thought it suited the girl way too well, as she indeed has a noble spirit. The girl likes to call him Dr. Atomic for his appearance, she tells him he looks like a mad scientist with his crazy hair and eyebags. Adelaide loves science though, she wants to be a researcher one day, so it's a kind nickname that Simon accepted it very nicely, him and those around him.
I didn't have too much trouble finding a name for him. On Monday, looking at him, I was listening to the Opera "Doctor Atomic", by John Adams. I thought "well that's a really cool name for a character! Then I looked to him again and thought "there it is, your name!" Simon came later, but just to complement the Atomic name, and Brown, that last name I just came in writing this post!
If you guys want to check the Opera, I'll give you the link right now, on Spotify and Youtube! I know, Opera can be tricky, but just give it a try, dear reader, I really recommend it! Use it as a background, if you wish, maybe you might like it! I myself liked it a lot, though more as background music as well. Listen critically though, there's something about this Opera, I don't trust it 100%... John Adams is a really nice composer too, by the way! If you want to, you can look for him as well! He has a lot of good pieces!
And this is what we have for today! Wow, the post ended up being way longer than I was expecting! Thank you so much for reading! If you're still here, wow thank you even more! You have no idea how much this means to me!!!! Thank you, dear reader, you are the very best and you know it! Hope you may have a really nice rest of the week and I see you soon, hopefully.
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