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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which Civilization has a SimCity moment, a bad omen

Hello there, my good friend, kind reader of this post! Happy Friday! Hopefully another beautiful day, maybe we should indeed give it the benefit of the doubt! How are you, my friend? How have you been? I have not write much these days, alas... It is that thing of having some stuff in my head but not being able to take them out to my satisfaction. I mean, we could as well be seeing the collapse of the Civilization franchise, for example. I think I wrote it before here, that I am not optimistic about this title, that their heart (if at all) is in the wrong place for this entry... I could smell the miasma, but now it is clear: reality is even worse than the predictions and projections of before. The Steam consensus, this morning, got as low as 33%, an absolute catastrophic number for the franchise, it is a snapshot of the bad User Interface, the lack of customisation on the game, its mechanics ossifying the main building, or ot is what is implied on even the milder of reviews. I did not h...

In which we have some Vintage Computers!

Hello everyone! I know, here I go again, missing on my blog posts, please forgive me, it's been hard to update on the current events of my life haha, I don't even tell you, someone recently dissed me and my drawings and expelled me from the community I was so invested in Discord, was awful, and that threw me off for days and days, also just my typical lazyness and just the fact that writing requires passion, something I'm lacking these moments, but I should come with some plans, as I don't want to abandon this blog for good, quite the opposite, I still have stories I wanna write, images I wanna share, can't let people bring me down like that, or let the whole virus thing make me shut myself in my bedroom sleeping the whole day, like I'm doing these moments haha. Dang I miss wearing glasses, they help me see things much better, as I have astigmatism, I hope as the year goes by this can be solved, a lot of things on halt because of this annoying Corona, let me tell you! Ugh, the whole stuff triggered by it is really concerning as well, like staying at home, I normally do that but being told you gotta stay at home makes me mad, like WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO, oh the Libertarian in me, but anyway, it is raining where I am, and that is something that makes me so happy, as I love rain! And how is the weather where you are? How are you? I hope things are well these moments. Well, I do have something to share with you guys, and I hope I can post more often, specially with the story I've been planning to write this whole time! One that I think I already told you guys about, or at least I think so. Computers are so cool, and the way they're displayed on this image is extremely awesome! Check it out!

Here we have some old machines from the 80's to make your day more enjoyable, or at least I hope so! It is super cool to use it as a wallpaper in cellphones and even in computers, just make sure you select the option to repeat the images on the computer if you do so, for a better effect! What is your favorite? Let me know! I'm happy to be back, at least for today... anyway, thank you so much for being here, dear reader, I hope to return soon and write another post, and I hope it may be nice indeed! Much happiness to you! See you next time, good morning yay!


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