Hello and good morning, dear reader! How are you today, how are things going? As usual, I wish you the best and hope all is well with you, and how is the weather where you are? Here it is in and out, I mean, some days it will rain and be pleasant, some will be hotter, but in the end, we are going in direction towards Winter, much to my happiness! I do like Rainy days a lot, they are very nice and chilly. Well, changing the subject, I can't wait for my stuff to arrive, it should come next week, but I hope it may arrive sooner, let us pray for it! Also, there is an update coming for Anno 1800, and I'm also quite excited for it indeed, let us see how it goes! I was thinking of playing it today, develop my city a bit further and so on, plenty to do, always!
So, today I went to the supermarket, and it was a pretty sad trip, for starters, I was going after taking a vaccine, I absolutely hate vaccines, as I don't like needles, and well, I had to wear a mask and everything, which doesn't help at all, as it turns out those things are uncomfortable as hell! I usually am all for new pieces of clothing, but honestly I can live without the masks. In fact, this is why I'm writing this post, the trip to the supermarket was quite depressing, really, to see all those people covering their faces with masks, as if they were ashamed of existing, it is disgusting how something so small make everything around it crumbles, okay, I'm being dramatic, lol, it's not that bad, but you get my point! Specially because those masks end up being useless in the end, just a way for people to control other people. I don't know if I'd wear them if I wasn't require to do that, but anyway, I think it's useless, and a major inconvenience in the end. But I'm not a doctor, so whatever, who cares about what I think.
So the trip was depressing, maybe it is better for now to stay at home, nothing cool to see outside besides people wearing masks, masks everywhere. But eventually, and this will hopefully be very soon, I'll go out and get a haircut. Thank you so much for being here, dear reader, and I wish you the best, like I said before and will say again, anyway, see you next time!
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