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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which Civilization has a SimCity moment, a bad omen

Hello there, my good friend, kind reader of this post! Happy Friday! Hopefully another beautiful day, maybe we should indeed give it the benefit of the doubt! How are you, my friend? How have you been? I have not write much these days, alas... It is that thing of having some stuff in my head but not being able to take them out to my satisfaction. I mean, we could as well be seeing the collapse of the Civilization franchise, for example. I think I wrote it before here, that I am not optimistic about this title, that their heart (if at all) is in the wrong place for this entry... I could smell the miasma, but now it is clear: reality is even worse than the predictions and projections of before. The Steam consensus, this morning, got as low as 33%, an absolute catastrophic number for the franchise, it is a snapshot of the bad User Interface, the lack of customisation on the game, its mechanics ossifying the main building, or ot is what is implied on even the milder of reviews. I did not h...

In Which I am scared of running out of titles for the blog's posts

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post, and I wish you the best! How are you today? How are you today? How are things going? As for me, I am okay! The release of the remaster of Pharaoh and the new continuing update to Vic3 has kept me happily busy! I think I have mentioned before also, classes are back, but I'm yet to properly return to studying, that is not ideal, I must return (or actually start) a proper studying routine. Hopefully today I'll do it, at least one class at the website. I am still to finish that drawing I started, but with the work I did that day, I'm more happy and disposed to return on drawing, perhaps today or any of these days I'll finish this one, and start a new one!! I am also on the adventure of reading the life of Lady Thatcher, as I mention I am on Volume two, and sometimes I get sad because thing seemed to be looking up in the 80's for freedom, while today it seems like we are close to a global dictadorship, either that or the apocalypse. It is very easy to feel dismayed and utterly smashed by how awful things are turning on the world, because the ideas of freedom are constantly being rejected, because the ideas of free markets and free enterprise keep being dismissed. I am aware and I fully subscribe to those, but as a "reward" I get to see the world collapsing due to their stupidity of following collectivism, socialism, that awful monster that destroys everything it touches... the book is a must, indeed a masterpiece of its own, a formidable work about an extraordinary woman. The world needs her more than ever today, and yet, like the Late Romans were denied of an Alexander the Great, we are denied of a Margaret Thatcher on leadership and ideas. On a lighter tone, I am always worried sick about repeating myself on the titles of my posts, this blog has been around for almost 5 years now, and sometimes I feel it's getting harder to not repeat myself in them, I was gonna type "in which I just chat about life" but I probably used that one before. Anyway, also, I am getting used to this keyboard I got, it's not one of those fancy ones, true, but well...

Isn't this image lovely? What a wonderful print! I found it on Pinterest, so many nice things there!

I really needed this! A post just to chat with you guys about what is on my mind, instead of a themed post. Both of those are important and balance is required! Balance, something I tend to fail at, alas. And what I'll do after completing this post? I really am not sure, but I think I could play some Vic3, continue my most excellent gameplay as France. Maybe continue my drawing, do another Pharaoh chapter, this time I'll be going to Meidum, to build some more stepped pyramids to Pharaoh Huni. They are not the very fancy pyramids of the mid-late old kingdom, but they have a certain charm to it! I've been sad because some have been so mean to this formidable project to revive the old city builder... The reviews plummeted, right now they are at 71% of approval, that hurts because I don't think the game deserves this backlash, at all. So many lesser games receiving more approval, I blame the sweaty gamers, what a plague in this earth those are. All of that being said, I am happy to wrap up this very productive post! I really hope I can return real soon with more thoughts and ideas... Hopefully one or two more posts before wrapping up February? Seems like it! See you again, as I like to say, real real real REAL real soon! Happy Weekend!


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