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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which Civilization has a SimCity moment, a bad omen

Hello there, my good friend, kind reader of this post! Happy Friday! Hopefully another beautiful day, maybe we should indeed give it the benefit of the doubt! How are you, my friend? How have you been? I have not write much these days, alas... It is that thing of having some stuff in my head but not being able to take them out to my satisfaction. I mean, we could as well be seeing the collapse of the Civilization franchise, for example. I think I wrote it before here, that I am not optimistic about this title, that their heart (if at all) is in the wrong place for this entry... I could smell the miasma, but now it is clear: reality is even worse than the predictions and projections of before. The Steam consensus, this morning, got as low as 33%, an absolute catastrophic number for the franchise, it is a snapshot of the bad User Interface, the lack of customisation on the game, its mechanics ossifying the main building, or ot is what is implied on even the milder of reviews. I did not h...

In Which I talk about some concerns and ideas

Good morning, my friend. How are you? How is the weather? As for me, the weather is better than it was in more summery moments, and I’m… well, stable, let’s put it like that. I don’t feel secure at the moment to say things are not as bad, but I also cannot say things are getting worse. It is a moment of… slow walk towards less anxiety. I worked on a drawing, that I think it is okay, though it will be some time before I grow used to it, I reckon. I hope I can work on some more, perhaps. Even today, one drawing or two, besides the one I finished just now. I thought of something, that could happen, to celebrate the blog’s anniversary of 5 years. It is just a rework on an old story. I am not sure if it’ll proceed, but well, idea is there. One step at a time, it is how it goes. Have I mentioned, I decided to switch therapists? Yes… It was something I was postponing for a while, and finally I discovered I had to do it, for I was in too much pain, and the other wasn’t really helping in a long while. Even with the stomach surgery coming, process that is slow, but at this point sort of inevitable, I had to switch therapists, could not wait further. It hasn’t been the most kind season towards me, has it been? I have been struggling with many woes, have been having difficulty in keeping them in check. Fortunately, my friend is my friend, just has been busy. Fortunately, I still can draw, and have been drawing, even if some drawings do not appeal to me. I haven’t returned to practice yet, but it is something I should keep in mind. I have been reading the last… 7 or 8 chapters into Mrs. Thatcher saga, and, reaching the end of her term, it is sad to see the decline of hers, of my hero, the one that was so important in squashing the evil empire of Communism. Unfortunately, they are already reorganizing themselves. And their new format, Mrs. Thatcher could not tackle as well. Such is the evil of the collectivists… with the European Project in motion, the weak President Bush in Washington, one that could not survive a second term… a real shadow of whom was Ronald Reagan. The USSR is collapsing, and it is beautiful to see, all those Eastern European countries with its battered cities returning to normality, to free markets, to parliamentary systems with rule of law… unfortunately Russia was not to follow, and the country till this day is in huge trouble. For the 90’s, the world seemed like things were going in a good way, but that was a very dangerous ilusion, as the culture was hijacked by the school of Frankfurt, the sowers of destruction. I am not yet at the end of the biography, but those chapters dealing with the decline of hers and the advancement of Globalism, those can be painful to read.

Here is the drawing I finished some moments ago, what do you think? It is a bit different than my usual stuff… I already see where I need to fix it, but well… one drawing at a time. Think I’ll post something on my patreon blog for drawings as well.

Well… I hope I can put to motion, the story project, someday! Sounds like a good idea! Thank you, my friend, dewr reader of this post, for being here! As always, I wish you the best! Hope to see you again real soon, for some more thoughts and ideas…


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