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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which Civilization has a SimCity moment, a bad omen

Hello there, my good friend, kind reader of this post! Happy Friday! Hopefully another beautiful day, maybe we should indeed give it the benefit of the doubt! How are you, my friend? How have you been? I have not write much these days, alas... It is that thing of having some stuff in my head but not being able to take them out to my satisfaction. I mean, we could as well be seeing the collapse of the Civilization franchise, for example. I think I wrote it before here, that I am not optimistic about this title, that their heart (if at all) is in the wrong place for this entry... I could smell the miasma, but now it is clear: reality is even worse than the predictions and projections of before. The Steam consensus, this morning, got as low as 33%, an absolute catastrophic number for the franchise, it is a snapshot of the bad User Interface, the lack of customisation on the game, its mechanics ossifying the main building, or ot is what is implied on even the milder of reviews. I did not h...

In Which I reflect on How much Sims 3 is better than Sims 4

Happy Friday, my friend, reader of this post! How are you, today? As for me, I am okay, overall... as usual the past few years, I woke up far earlier than I should, and decided to play some Vic3 for the start. A good idea, because I can cross this out of my things to do list for today! I then shifted my attention to Sims 3, and I hope I can play Anno as well. In fact, maybe today could be productive, I hope I can draw, at some point! I mean, I do not desire to force myself to do it, but I want to do a piece at some point... but as for plans, I just have some Sims 3 in mind...

In the game, my Sims moved to a brand new house at the walled city in Monte Vista, which is a lovely world on the game. This house has space for all my needs, so that is good, I have a room for activities, for working out, for watching the television... The other place was so small in comparison, and I needed a bigger space. I first thought of a villa, but I decided instead to move to a town house, to be next to it all! I am noticing some lag here and there, on the game, so I may have to lower the graphics down a bit, which is a shame, but anyway... I blame winter, when it snows, the game can suffer as result. The other entry of the franchise, that I caustically call "the dollhouse" as known as Sims 4, I would love to say, because the graphics are overall more simplistic in this one, that it doesn't lag as much, but I would be lying. He who plays Sims 4 will understand that game will always stutter and lag at random points. The Sims 3 has this issue, in a different way. I blame the lag in Sims 3 due to the amount of things it has to compute, due to being an open world game. Sims 4, on the other hand, I blame the spaghetti coding for it, that cannot handle how many ducktapes were put into it. The whole game is like those plastic swimming pools with holes in it, and the ducktape cannot keep the water in for too long, because the water makes the glue degrade over time... 

An image from my camera roll, before we proceed, from 2022 I believe. If I have used it before, I apologize. Having so many posts at this point, almost 6 years of blogging, it is hard not to repeat myself... I hate repeating myself, but well, I am not infalible... okay, back to the topic of the day.

I am overall happy with The Sims 3! I at times feel ashamed of how much I've spent in the Sims 4, over the years... but, I consider this part of the learning and maturing process. And when Sims 4 was a bit less "woke", back in 2018-2019, beginning of 2020, I had some more good will towards it. I mean, I pick up the game in December 2018, it was my first Sims game. I think the game started to test my patience with the woke stuff around Island Living... it got worse and worse from there, from a starting point not that clean anyway. At the beginning though, specially because I was fresh in the series, getting new packs slowly, one by one, it was not really bad. I don't know when I started to think about trying another entry of the franchise... At the beginning, I was not entirely aware of them, at any case. I gradually became aware and experienced the issues of the game and slowly fell out of love with it. But, I trust my tirning point was June 2023... I don't remember what made me say enough... but it was when I finally picked up Sims 3. I was already only sporadically playing Sims 4, from time to time, in quick bursts. I wanted to try something new I guess. 

I don't think I regret it, feels better to play Sims 3 in opposition to the dollhouse, because the game has so much more attention to detail. Some have issues with the graphics, I don't have any trouble with it, in fact I prefer how it looks in opposition to Sims 4, now. It feels more connected to the original lore of the franchise, while the 4th one is even implicitly disconnected from it. By that, I mean just the continuity of some elements and also the sense of humor! Sims 4 is a suffocating sanitized world, while Sims 3 has quite literally an open world, filled with inside jokes and some light hearted bad boy spirit to it. It feels more natural, too, as I mentioned, Sims 4 is quite woke at this point, they love to push men in skirts, which I find egregious, probably where I drew the line when I think about it. The addition of pronouns also made me quite angry, due to where their priorities lied, not in improving gameplay, but into adding cosmetic crap to cash in some ESG. The ads for the game try too hard to be "diverse, minority fueled" and it is just obnoxious! They go miles in making sure I don't see a sim, but a political agenda. In contrast, Sims 3, that was released in 2009, before this whole new wave of madness, had much much less of it, if at all. The Create-A-Sim in it, I think I prefer it to Sims 4. Sure, the 4th one has some nice sweaters, but Sims 3 is better in portraying everyday fashion, I'd say. Most of the items are badly designed, true, but it feels genuine. I think when Sims 4 started to have ads with freaking Anitta and that Pablo Vittar in it, that is also when I said enough. I am from Brazil, and living here, I hate them and I hate the time when they seemed unescapable. I hate the music, the empty oversexuality. Of course, a symptom of a morally bankrupted nation, but that is another topic. Point is... I was tired of all of that, so I discovered Sims 3, and now, I go from Sims 2 and 3, and I don't plan on returning to Sims 4. With more than 63 add-ons to it, almost 60gb in total, I don't even feel comfortable in having it on my computer no more. I only hace as many gb and I play many other games... even if I wanted to try Sims 4 again, having to install it again is such a pain, that I'd rather not.

Sims 3 is not a game not to be criticized, none game is pass the point of perfection. But in comparison to the newer entry, it is better, so much so. The decline of this franchise is not isolated business even. I think Civ peaked at Civ 5, for example. Civ 6 being a cartoony gambling machine, with a weird pacing and too many grindy mechanics. But, I still enjoy Civ 6, even if it's worse than 5. I can't say, anymore, I love Sims 4. It is an overpriced mess, that spits in the face of the gamers constantly... I am tired of that one, Sims 3 it is. And, when I want to try something different, Sims 2. 

Anyway, this is what I had in mind, after playing a bit of it this early morning. Ah, I even may play some more sometime today, inspired by seeing my thoughts in front of me on the screen. I think this post is getting too big, I think I said everything I wanted on this topic, for now. Sad times to be a gamer these days, most of the good ones were released already. You can't trust the new ones. The golden age seems over, and in front of us, uncertainty, to put it mildly. So, when can you expect to see me again here on the Divagation Store? Hopefully by the weekend, next week in the latest. I will do a post or two before wrapping up March. Well, until then, see you again real soon! Wish you the best.


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