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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which Civilization has a SimCity moment, a bad omen

Hello there, my good friend, kind reader of this post! Happy Friday! Hopefully another beautiful day, maybe we should indeed give it the benefit of the doubt! How are you, my friend? How have you been? I have not write much these days, alas... It is that thing of having some stuff in my head but not being able to take them out to my satisfaction. I mean, we could as well be seeing the collapse of the Civilization franchise, for example. I think I wrote it before here, that I am not optimistic about this title, that their heart (if at all) is in the wrong place for this entry... I could smell the miasma, but now it is clear: reality is even worse than the predictions and projections of before. The Steam consensus, this morning, got as low as 33%, an absolute catastrophic number for the franchise, it is a snapshot of the bad User Interface, the lack of customisation on the game, its mechanics ossifying the main building, or ot is what is implied on even the milder of reviews. I did not h...

In Which we have Games and Joseph II

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Friday!! How are you today? As for me, I am okay, still not entirely recovered from the ailment that afflicted me the past few weeks, but overall, okay. Trying to stay afloat, and trying to find some joy in my free available time. I have been playing a lot of Victoria 3, but at moments that is more of a compulsion than a passtime, I do wish I could curtail this game and play others. As for today, maybe I will visit The Sims 3, and other options include Anno 1800. I will surveil my library and see what fits me, in preference, something fresher than Victoria 3. To be fair, said game will receive a big update next week, so, we will see how it refreshes my interest for it. 

Today I also visited the game Pharaoh, where I expanded my city to 16 thousand inhabitants, when this mission, the final one of the New Kingdom chapter, required 12k. And with the inhabitants, I also got all the metrics correct to advance to victory, except for the massive huge pyramids that I was still far from finishing. With that bother, I have decided to, in a moment of lack of patience, cheat to win. And so, not that proud of this victory, even ashamed of it, but truth is, that is also to be blamed on the game's mechanics, certainly they could make a way so the building of those monuments wasn't so monotonous and time consuming, with little upwards than just to stare at the screen and wait. Even if I am still not that happy with my move, I should not ruin my day over this, and specially since I finished this level 2 times before, and those times, having to PAINFULLY wait the freaking pyramid to reach its peak.

Hearts of Iron 4, one paradox game, released quite an extensive DLC yesterday. I don't play HOI4, neither do I plan to change that. But, such update almost made me think of revisiting this title that I never got into. Almost. Through screenshots, I saw they added my favorite thinker, Ludwig Von Mises, as an adviser into the game. That alone is worth of my praise and attention! But, still, I find Hoi4 to be deeply uninteresting.

What is more interesting is the latest chapters of my book on the Habsburgs I just finished. They offered many nice pieces of knowledge. I still have suspicion over this book, there are parts that displeased me. But, reading on the reign of Maria Theresa, great Empress of Austria, and on the reign of the really petty Emperor Joseph II, the micromanager senior of the land, was quite fun. I avoid having any bad feelings for monarchs, as I am a loyalist at heart, but Joseph, what a petty man, blinded by quite a damaging branch of the enlightment era, the one of Central Europe. By that, I mean, that period of history, that followed the renaissance (14th-16th centuries) and was preluded by the grand Siecle francaise (17th century), was hardly an unified line of work. There were many branches of the elightment era, not all are admired by me. I am more of the English fashion, of thinkers such as John Locke, for example. I also am interested in learning more on the intellectuals of the School of Salamanca, in the kingdom of Spain, those that would open the ways to the Austrian School of Economics. Another branch that I admire less is the French one, of thinkers such as Voltaire and the encyclopedistes Diderot et D'Alembert. But one line I dislike is the hard continental line of Rousseau and Kant. The central european philosophers were very mechanicists, believing society could be micromanaged to one point to the other, as to foster their moral development and to take away mysticism and supersticion. They were quite against established costumes and common laws that were settled on good traditions, and as such, influenced Joseph in a terrible destructive life of iconoclasm and chaotic activity that plunged Austria and its domains into the brink of quite a dictadorship. It is sad that in one hand, at that time, we had the dictadorship of the french republic, and the only slightly lesser repressive dictadorship of the philosopher king. And this coming from the era of supposedly "liberation from the ancient regime". Well, such ancien regime allowed for more freedom of mind and soul than the end conclusion of the era des lumieres. Now, this is more of a rant, of course not even all English thinkers followed one line, and same goes for the french and german ones. The Baroque era also had its conflicts with freedom of mind. And at the same time the French Revolution caused the almost destruction of Europe, the other side of the ocean was seeing the birth of the American Republic, that following many English ideas, and on an debate between more conservative and more liberal branches of the ideas of the last millenium the West has faced, was teeming with good energy. Of course, not all of those were to lead to good paths, but many of those roads were very positive and ended earning great fruits to the United States, that with time, through this intellectual activity, would become the world leader on its own right. I did rant a bit, there is nuance to be taken into account, but overall, we cannot deny the failure of Joseph II, which would be a more sympathetic tragic figure, haven't been so obnoxiously dogmatic with his german ideas of control from top down and suppression of customs and traditions, many of which were put there for quite good reason, that he just could not see through with his enlightment lense. 

Well, I think I wrote quite a bit today, and I was not even planning on it! I didn't even mention the Magic Flute and the big influence of freemansonry on classical music! Well, I think, if anything, we should save it for next time. For now, I can say I hope I can return to this publication next week, with more thoughts and ideas and maybe rants as well. Until then, see you again real soon, wish you the best, make sure to enjoy the weekend! Farewell!!!


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