In Which We search for meaning in 2025: overthinking and the evil of compulsory education
Good morning, my dear friend, reader of this post! Happy Saturday, how are you? How have your week been? This one, mom went on a trip, and I stayed home with my brother. Fortunately, it went okay, on the whole. I didn't like the days where my brother invited his friends to the apartment, given I am not all thrilled on receiving visitors, but apart from that, it has been peaceful, which is all I desired. On the gaming side, I had issue with my cloud service, and that evolved into some Sims 3 files getting corrupted, and so I had to repair the game. Unfortunately I lost my christmas save, but at least the game is on the whole, alright. I could use more time on other games, other than Victoria 3, I suppose I go to this one for the story progression, given many other games are more on the sandbox side of things. But Victoria is a game that sees me walking in circles a lot, and I prefer to have a meaningful time when engaging in gaming. At moments I feel none of the ones I have quite satisfy me, which causes melancholy. It is January, and so, maybe as a goal for this new year, on this hobby, should be for me to maybe try some more Anno 1800? I am a bit distant from this one, have been trying to return also, but the game is very hard to get into the rhythm of it, given how open world it is, how slow is the progress as well. What else? I am sure I will find other one to give me a time of joy and meaning and imagination. We will see...
More drawings are always a welcome thing, it is the hobby I am most proud of. But concerning the goal-resolution I had for 2025, that one is put to rest, for good. The courses I got since 2020, the five ones I had sitting down on the platform, unfortunately were a waste of money, given I will not proceed with them, and I wish I could remove them from my mind even, as I am frustrated with them. No, I cannot forgive modernism, if I can choose, I avoid the leftists and their mind frame, as much as I can, any time I can, sometimes I have trouble doing so, but I still go out of my way to move away from the wretched people. Ah... that means it is back to square 1 when it comes to drawing practices. I have no idea, at all, where to find a place, platform, a tutor, that may give me some insights that are actually useful to me. For now, I keep on my cartoons, my art naive, at least some people like them. I also am not turned away by them, which is not bad, I suppose. I am tired of indulging in overthinking on my activities of choice. Why does my mind wander like that? I suppose I think my free time is on the edge always, and school will return and the dry math classes will consume my soul. And with that, every single second of my free time must be always a nuclear explosion of memorable times. People don't talk about the damage compulsory education as it is does to people. As it is in Brazil, more than one generation was deformed and demolished by the marxism promoted by the devils of the department of education, by the wretched pedagogical programs, by forcing children to interact and to put the meek with the bullies, the promising with the lost causes, leveling always by the lowest denominator. I hate this inclusion crap, may the mentally impaired seek help on proper schools, that may cater to their particular needs. May the meek have the opportunity to escape the bully. And in the end, may every kid have the chance to not undergo compulsory education as it is. Abolish the department of education, put nothing on its place, burn the books by Paulo Freire and call a traditional padre to bring back some God into whatever school desires it. No more public education, no more mental abuse, no more marxism. Far too many have been driven towards their demise by this machine of producing fragile souls that live in contradiction, because they are not allowed to be themselves. The rich are abused by being told they have no right to exist, the poor get entitled, in the end, there is no more society, everything collapses, such is the aim of the social democrats and their welfare state.
And with this cry for help, this lament over the lost generation, one of many, the chronic of the many wasted opportunities that are part of the Brazilian republican history... I suppose is where we end today's post. What else is there to be said? Much damage has been done. And families torn apart. You know, my mother side of the family, they are all communists, part of this evil cult. Even my mom is. That does not help me in the least. I can only dream of being more free, free from them, someday. Is there love in this relationship? Of course, but it is mixed with all the bad, and the bad is also much present, and present in much quantity.
Ah... when should I return to another post, on this publication, so dear to me? I hope real soon. Perhaps by next week, in the opportunity that may present itself. Thank you for being here once more, my friend, dear reader... I see you again real soon, so I pray. God bless you, and I wish you the best, farewell!
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