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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The great majority of people will go on observing forms that cannot be explained; they will keep Christmas Day with Christmas gifts and Christmas benedictions; they will continue to do it; and some day suddenly wake up and discover why.” – “On Christmas,” Generally Speaking



In Which we have Mods for Civ 5 and the Age of Giants

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Tuesday! How are you, this first third of the week? As for me, I am okay, virtually better from the flu, thank Goodness. I had therapy yesterday, and it went very well, though I had to do it online. The reason for this move is the fact I am facing financial hardships once more. You think, after paying your dues, that you will be free from any future spenditure. Ah, not quite. Life moves on, and so does the bills. You have groceries to get, one and other amenity to purchase, and sometimes slicing the prices into smaller sizes in the end bites you in the back. The situation is not as bad as before my birthday, but I am in a scale from greeb to red, on a yellow. Christmas and cats! What is not to love? The past few days saw me trying some Civ 5 once more, and with some mods, which I was not too keen about some years ago. I stumble upon quite a big one, the Vox Populi community patch, and I have been getting myself familiar wirh it ever s

In which vacations come to an end and classes are back! Also picture of the week!

Hello everyone! Happy Monday to you! How are things going and how are you today? As usual, I do wish you the best and hope you are fine! Good evening! We are here in the day in which my vacations come to an end and classes return! Today was a nice day though! I spent most of it with one of my best buds at the mall and I did lots of small but very important shopping! I got some new socks, some new pens, a new water bottle! A very special one, one that I hope it may last for a lot of time! Also the time we spent together talking and having fun was so nice! Just what I was in need today! I love going to the mall, I spent some money and now I have almost none, this is true, but what I bought is sure to add lots of value to my life, value that I prefer to have than to have money. The shop renting space on the shopping mall rather have my money than those staples and gadgets, as it have a lot, and it's no use to them. The shop prefers the place and the commodities in the mall than the money it could be spent in something else. I'd rather spend time in the cozy enviroment of the mall than into some other place that shop could be, the price of the product could've been smaller, but the experience counts too, value and value and so it goes, and this is what forms life, relationships, commerce, the free market. Beautiful, wonderful. And so it goes! Makes me want to live in a world that can have its unhappy moments. Is the return of classes an unhappy moment? Only time will tell. Going to the mall with my friend was great, the class was nice. And I'm here!
Vacation time was not perfect, I had some time of struggle mentally and all that, as it goes, but Christmas season this year was beautiful, and I couldn't be happier with it, I miss it, can't wait for Christmas 2019! And important to say, Christmas is everyday, it's just on the background for now. January is not being a bad month, it is having its own appeal, the canvas is blank no more, but I'll only be able to see the full portrait with time. I'm on a time of transition, my classes now are at night, I will have to take some classes again. I don't know what's ahead of me, only time will tell. I will just be myself. I love my friends and I love the stuff on my life, like the series I'm watching, the food, and all that. It's nice. And as we go, we also have a picture of the week! A beautiful decoration of porcelain I found today! A beautiful fox!

So here we have, Mr. Fox and all his friends! Many of them on the shelf! This picture could use some editing, but for now here it is! He has small alert eyes, atemptive ears, and a smart mouth, of an animal filled with wit. He knows when to hunt and when to eat fruits, he's also lovely and has lovely fur. I love foxes, they're beautiful and sharp, though they could be a nuisance for farmers of other time, those poor chicken and sheep they would eat, poor things. But foxes are beautiful, I love them. I wish I could buy this fox for my desk, a wonderful piece of decoration, a true gift to give to your friends as well, in a nice way! 
And this is it for today! I'm really hungry, dear reader, I must find something to eat! But I am so so happy to be able to finish this post today, specially because I thought I couldn't because of my schedule today. Thank you so much for being here dear reader, you are the very best, and I see you next time gladly!


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