Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday to you! Good morning! Wish you the best! How are you today and how are things going? As usual, I hope all is well with you and I hope you are having a nice day1 How is the weather where you are? Here is a calm one, some clouds but the sky is blue, I like blue skyes as much as I like grey ones, I'm also happy that the weather is not too hot and I'm being able to relax! I can't wait guys to get a new laptop maybe by the end of this month and beginning of September, let us pray this becomes a reality, as we in fact never know! The thought of it and all the possibilities that comes with it makes me happy though! Yay! I just have to receive the rest of my birthday gifts so I can speak to my grandma again about it, my heart beats fast! Wow! It will be alright in the end, I have faith in it! But let's talk about this very calm moment I had yesterday at the waiting room in the psychiatrist!
I went to the psychiatrist yesterday, I arrived at 1:40PM I think, the appointment was for 2PM, but someone was in front of me in the order of pacients to be attended, which meant a huuuuge waiting line for me, how boring! It could have been, and in fact the main Waiting room of the clinic is crowded and uncomfortable, as it couldn't be different. But fortunately, a new waiting room was available! Just opening the glass door on the right corner, a new room was revealed, with nice chairs and a sofa! It didn't have windows so when I opened up the room was hot and had a bad smell in it, but as the fan was on, and I kept the door open, situation improved fast, and I was there, having that place just for me, sitting in that extraordinary chair! I had chat with three of my wonderful friends and I had such a wonderful time doing son, it was the apex moment of my day! Of course I had to charge my phone soon, but I managed to do so and went to the sofa, where I kept on havng good time, I read a book on my phone and then I watched my favorite show, The Office, one that I'm seeing for the third time! And then it was 3PM, I believe, and it was my time to have a chat with my psychiatrist! And it was good! I'm happy for everything that happened, was a cool day!
I found this painting by Piet Mondrian on Twitter recently and I loved it! I needed to share it with you guys, it is the tree of electric ligh, I'm so happy for it, all the energy! All the light, all the red and blue, really wonderful! I have another painting by Piet to show to you guys, but I will do it on other post, soon, not today as this post is getting too big, so far so good, thank you so much for being here dear reader, you are the best! See you guys on another post soon I hope!
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