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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which Civilization has a SimCity moment, a bad omen

Hello there, my good friend, kind reader of this post! Happy Friday! Hopefully another beautiful day, maybe we should indeed give it the benefit of the doubt! How are you, my friend? How have you been? I have not write much these days, alas... It is that thing of having some stuff in my head but not being able to take them out to my satisfaction. I mean, we could as well be seeing the collapse of the Civilization franchise, for example. I think I wrote it before here, that I am not optimistic about this title, that their heart (if at all) is in the wrong place for this entry... I could smell the miasma, but now it is clear: reality is even worse than the predictions and projections of before. The Steam consensus, this morning, got as low as 33%, an absolute catastrophic number for the franchise, it is a snapshot of the bad User Interface, the lack of customisation on the game, its mechanics ossifying the main building, or ot is what is implied on even the milder of reviews. I did not h...

In Which we have more quick Rants on Anno 1800!

Good morning! Lots of thoughts, overviews, rants, ideas were exposed on this post, but before we jump to it, I would love to ask how are you and how was your weekend? And how is the weather where you are? As for me, I'm okay, anxiety here and there, but such is some moments that we overcome overall (not to say it's easy to do so, you need friends and patience, BUT Well...). So, I'm so excited to just chat with you about Anno, so let's see what I have to say.

Well, I finished the gameplay on High Life DLC of Anno 1800, and I must say, the story arc of the Skyline Tower is just awful, Theodora, the character, is a preachy hot mess, and so is Donny, and this kinda tends to jeopardize the whole game I believe, it is that grave. I don't feel bad for Theodora anymore, being mistreated by Donny, this is how badly done Theodora is overall. It's going to get worse, narration wise, they are adding a new "eco" optional mode towards the end of the year, so yes, there we have it, Anno 2070 all over again. Such a shame. In a world where there is an amazing tale of Heroism and Skyscrapers such The Fountainhead, I feel there is no place for such crap.

Anyway, I finished my last save, after exploring the High Life DLC, and apart from the apalling storytelling, what it comes with it in content is quite solid! It expands on the mechanisms of Tourist Season, such as the orchards and the multifactories. The Skyscrapers add a lot of new needs, such as the billiard table, and the biscuits, that can be a pain, but are also very fun to produce and supply! Lacquer, Celluloid and Ethanol, you can never get enough of those, specially for the new shopping arcades, that sells lots of wonderful items such as the vanity screen and the face cream! As for the appearance of the city, it is radically changed, you go from Vienna and Barcelona to Buenos Aires of its glory days and New York City (thinking of the Upper East Side mostly), all have something to say on this big aesthetic move, and my reaction have been very positive!

Like I said, I finished the last save, it can be sad to say goodbye to such successful match, but well, it was getting in the moment to finish, as I had done so much, and had no desire to go further there. I started a new one, way more challenging, with the Anarchist, Carl and Beryl, and also with the pirates on max difficulty! It's been an experience so far, and I can't wait to keep on going with it! It's fun how people on similar spectres have key differences and end up as rivals. The Anarchist follows a very different approach to anarchism that I admire. You see, I am more of the Anarcho-Capitalist trend, anarchy of the free market, while Mr. Mercier is of the Anarcho-Syndicalist kind, where there is no private property. Both kinds of anarchy are against a coercitive government, but while the Anarchy of the free market tends to value civil society promoted by institutions such as churches and so on, and also just letting society run itself, and a footnote, not such thing as a society exists, there are individuals and there are families and so on, anyway, withouth the arrogant need to reform it, uinlike his anarchy, that ends up in a new totalitarian state, because that's the only way to do it, he wants to fundamentally change individuals, only way to assure there will be no private property or alcohol. Away with the religion of old, in with the new religion, that puts Mr. Mercier in the center of it all. No wonder so many defectors run away to my cities, asking for refuge, that I gladly provide. 

Just some thoughts I had yesterday overall and that I wanted to share with you, my friend, reader of this humble post. I often worry about sharing my views and ideas... But well, I'm also averse of rules, so it is what it is. This is another reason to be thankful to you, that read this and don't hate me for me, believe me, that means a lot! Wish you the best, as I always do, and I see you real soon.


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