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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which Civilization has a SimCity moment, a bad omen

Hello there, my good friend, kind reader of this post! Happy Friday! Hopefully another beautiful day, maybe we should indeed give it the benefit of the doubt! How are you, my friend? How have you been? I have not write much these days, alas... It is that thing of having some stuff in my head but not being able to take them out to my satisfaction. I mean, we could as well be seeing the collapse of the Civilization franchise, for example. I think I wrote it before here, that I am not optimistic about this title, that their heart (if at all) is in the wrong place for this entry... I could smell the miasma, but now it is clear: reality is even worse than the predictions and projections of before. The Steam consensus, this morning, got as low as 33%, an absolute catastrophic number for the franchise, it is a snapshot of the bad User Interface, the lack of customisation on the game, its mechanics ossifying the main building, or ot is what is implied on even the milder of reviews. I did not h...

In Which I talk a bit about The Sims 4 in 2022.

Hey everyone! Good morning, how are you? As usual, I wish you the best, and hope you've been fine this month of March and in 2022 also. How is the weather? Here we have some hints of fall and winter, with rains and more amene weather, but don't be fooled, as this is not a time for sweaters and socks, not yet. I will appreciate if the trend of a more rainy March continues though, and also a more fresh April. There are some stuff in my mind concerning me, about my college errands and the bills I have to pay, but this post is on the longer side, so let's jump in to chat about The Sims, and I'll do a post on those issues later...

I think I chatted about The Sims before, here on the blog, but I'd like to chat about it again, as I bought some stuff packs and the new game pack. I think the game is a nice casual experience, and you can even get committed into building your house and your Sim in the ways you see fit. I personally am starting to enrich my experience being more social in the game, making friends and so on, the interactions are cool. It's not a hill where I'd die in, though. It is obvious the game doesn't share my values, as I am a conservatarian, more on the conservative side. Though not entirely, I certainly do not embrace the culture war that The Sims engage in, normalising things that shouldn't be. I think this is my main feud with this game, that I play nonetheless, because, if you ignore it, is a nice experience overall.

Many would be way more harsh in it, giving it way less than what I gave the game, which is a 7.5 out of 10. The game is buggy to the extreme (it is, but I noticed things get way better once you turn autonomy ofF, meaning you have full control over your Sims actions, instead of letting the AI play a role as well), too many redundant DLCs that cost an absurd amount of money. And there is some hint of despair when the base game is constantly on sale on Steam. Some say The Sims 3 is way better, because of the open world, because of the variety of options, the color wheel... I don't know, I never played that Sim edition, and I don't have plans on doing that, but I also see people more on my side of things, of seeing The Sims 4 as more of a nice casual experience instead of that big "Game of Life" where everything you do have massive consequences and so on. Okay, the game is shallow, but it's enjoyable till a certain point. There is a fair amount of things you can do in it. I can see the sides of the people who say the game is awful, and I can see the side of the people who say the game isn't that bad, and I'm personally on that side, too. I am not into most of their recent released content for the game, but well... like I said before, it's not a hill where I'd die in.

It does suck that I spent way too much on The Sims since 2019, but I guess it couldn't be helped, I like the furninture, I like the new clothes (though there are way more feminine clothing than masculine, that is a very valid complaint) and so on... This post was just for me to talk a bit on my Sims experience in 2022, I've been playing the game for a bit now, so I could have different opinions than I had before. In the future I could do a small guide on what Expansions are worth getting off the bat, and what you can avoid for longer. But I think for now this one is getting a bit on the longer side, so I'll wrap it up for today here! Thank you for reading, dear reader of this post, and I see you all real soon!


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