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In Which We Wrap Up 2023, and glimpse at 2024
Good morning, dearest friend, dearest reader of this post! Thank you for being here! Can you believe it is the last day of 2023? I have written about it before. I talked on how the year was a challenge, and what I hope for 2024 as well. It feels weird, overall, that the 365 cycle is about to end, and another to open its doors. How was your personal year? Do you have any expectation, resolution or hope for 2024?
Today I woke up very early, but I did manage to sleep quite appropriately. I am trying to keep a pace, because I don't want to burn out fast, as I sort of did yesterday. I have the house for myself, and I personally love the silence. On one hand, there is that. On the other, though... I am quite lonely. I wish I could talk with a friend today. Talk with a friend, hang out with them, but of course every friend is busy or unavailable. Even with me keeping the pace slow, I am already burn out. I don't seem to want to play anything. No Europa Universalis, no Victoria... I tried to return to Civ 6, but the pacing of the game is all wrong for my liking. I also reinstalled Civ 5, but clearly the heydays of this title are far behind. What else... Age of Empires is good for an hour, then I call it a day. I am sort of refusing to play Sims 4, due to how boring the game can be, how draining on the creative juices, a ride that leads to absolutely nowhere. I think I made peace with the idea that I am not really into Sims games. I got new games, I think I mentioned that before, I better as well try them... I also am trying my hands on Anno once again, but this is another title that is past its heydays for me, much to my melancholy.
So far, my last drawing of 2023, still to grow on me...
I finished a drawing, and may work on another one, I still have one to finish... and I am reading a very very detailed book on the world of Empress Maria Teresa of Austria, that giant. It is a bit dispassionate and dry... Some parts are nice to learn more of her time, others I stop because I get a bit bored or overwhelmed by details. I hope I can finish it, but also, I wish I could hear more of her personality, rather of the honorable household and monarchy that she represented... I suppose this is like with the work of Margaret Thatcher, that did not left much journaling behind her, when she went to heaven. By that, I mean, we must look at her work to understand her better... maybe that is the same with Maria Teresa.
I mentioned games, how I am getting bored once again on this pastime... I mentioned reading this big and detailed book, I mentioned drawing... well, what else is there to be said on the realm of hobbies and activities? I wish I had more to talk about, today, but my mind is tired, and out of ideas for today. I really wish I could talk to some friend, that may stimulate my mind. But well... Overall I really wanted to open the store on the 31st and say hello, leave another post here! Man, another post, I can't say if this year was more productive than the rest, I do know we are around the post 720 now! What a jump! If I can keep on writing this 2024, I may as well reach a new milestone, and more than that, my blog will be 6 years of age! Crazy how time flies when we are looking elsewhere...
When should I return and kick open 2024? Hopefully around next week. I don't know what I will be writing, but maybe I'll come with something up besides good old journaling. Until then, do not worry, hope your 1st of January 2024 may be a pleasant one, and I wish you the best once again, and I see you real real real soon!
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