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In Which A Hobby Cannot be Forced, and Wes Anderson's Pretentionism
Hello, my friend, dear reader of this post! Good afternoon! How are you, this beginning of Thursday? How have you been through this week? As for me, I have been... okay? I mean, the first half of the week was not that excellent. Wednesday I returned home from spending some days at my grandmother's house. And this Thursday, what should I do today? I want to visit one of the Annos I have installed on the computer. I recently decided to try Anno 1701, the first of the Annos to be done in three dimensions. Though the game is certainly pretty, specially for the day, I am sad it does not really have the feel of 18th century, which is a shame. Still, I want to give it some more tries... so many games, not enough time, nor do I want to visit most of them, not every time. Sometimes it pays to force oneself, but others it has the expected effect of burn out and stretching thin. My dear therapist did say something that reasonated with me: that one cannot do hobbies all days, not because one must not, but because they lose their meaning if you do them all of moments. I cannot draw daily, specially if I don't want to pursue a career in it. Reading can be a bother if I force myself too much onto it. Chores must be done, such is my college work, I need to catch up on the portuguese subject of the moment. But apart from that, on my free time, ideally I should have the final say.
I started watching a movie this Wednesday, one done by the filmmaker Wes Anderson. I used to be fond of him, far more than I am, now. I like the aesthetic feel of the movies of him I watch, quite appealing. The colors used, the patterns. But, I don't know if I like some of his influences, that are french, in philosophy... I have a suspicion for many french mainstream lines. God knows people don't usually follow Bastiat or the old french liberal tradition, and there is one. Nay, they prefer the post-modern crap that has done so much harm to the world, in general. I would say West, but... do you think people in the east, in China, are thriving, or creating music that is worth listening to? No. Middle East is in shambles for many generations now, much of their doing, but fueled by Western influences, true. Us in Latin America are trying to escape socialism, but socialism stalks us. Anyway, the movie I am still currently watching is called Asteroid City, released either last year or 2022. I always appreciate Jason Schwartzman, he still has my heart. But... ah, the movie... Wes was always pretentious, but I feel a bit of humility would do him good...
I don't like blockbusters, usually, I am bored to death by action movies... I cringe at most productions. I haven't watched movies in a while, now, as I feel most of them don't appeal to me. But I like Wes. Or used to... I think I still do, somewhere, somehow... he fueled a short but vivid and influential cinemaphile moment of my life... the enthusiasm is gone, but the influences are still there. What movies do you like the most? I would say my favorite is Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola, I think I mentioned that one before. I also love Amadeus, that 80s masterpiece! Not an accurate movie, not that it matters anyway, what a tale... all its shortcomings absolved by how... intriguing it all is, and how much I love Rococo, how much I thrive in Pastel tones! Anyway...
With that, I think it is time to wrap today's post? Perhaps! I could expand on this topic at some moment... but for now, this publication is getting big, and must feel boring to read. I heard Alfred Hitchcock said a movie should take as long as one can hold ones pee. I guess the same goes for writing. Well, no worries, I should be back really soon! Hopefully by the weekend? Maybe... and I hope I can do at least two more posts before the end of March... or three, if you count the post of wrapping up the month. One can hope to be inspired and have topics of conversation! Well, farewell, until then, see you real soon! And I wish you the best!
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