Hello everyone! Happy Friday to you!! How are things going to you today and how are you?? As always, I wish you the best! I do hope your day is going great! As you know, today is music Friday, but first let me tell you a bit on how my day went, if you don't mind!
It was a calm day, it was hot but the ventilators are working well, and I made a huge sketch for my best friend! I didn't have class so I just enjoyed the day off, and talking about day off, TODAY IS CHILDREN'S DAY WHERE I LIVE, SO HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY TO YOU, TO ALL THE CHILDREN FROM 1 TO 92! Okay, only the actual children got gifts in this time of the year, which is fine, but we all have reasons to celebrate and be happy with them as well, anyway, with that being said, let's go to the song!
This one will take us to the beginning of my favorite pop artist career, so don't bit surprised if you get a bit LOST.

One of the Boys raised to be my favorite album by Katy! It also happened to be one of the most underrated by her now. Okay, it got some major hits, but most of them are forgotten now by most people, plus, it got panned by the critics, who thought the album was dumb and artificial. I don't give a damn about those critics, this album is amazing and I love Katy style in this one! Her lyrics are so in your face that you just want to sing with her and say "YES THAT'S MY LIFE" or "GOSH I KNOW SOMEONE JUST LIKE THAT". She just wants to speak whatever the hell is in her head and she's not apologizing to anyone! I just love this about this album and about her at the time. Okay, I tend to apologize a lot, and I'm not like that, so this is not me, but it doesn't stop me of just loving this record a lot! As Katy career progressed and she became the huge personality she is today, I feel a bit of the free anarchic spirit that she had on her first album was lost with it. I'm still a fan, but I do miss old Katy sometimes, I miss the Katy I've met with her documentary, back in 2012, anyway, those are just the laments of an old follower, I don't think I'll stop loving Katy anyway, in spite of everything. And well, talking about the song...
This song, like the record, feels like 2008, even if I was 10 years old in 2008, there was something very pop and festive about that year that I won't forget. But this song is not about party, is about feeling without a ground, even if you are in places with people, doing stuff, you feel lonely and lost, totally hopeless. The worst kind of loneliness is the one that are felt when there're hundreds next to you. Some people don't understand this. If you feel lost, the only person capable of saving you in the end is yourself, and that feels like hell sometimes, this is what this song is about, at least for me. But there's hope, and help, and there's a tomorrow, and this song is on a party record anyway. Important to say, no collective "you are not alone" movement will save anyone from this, pain is individual and it's in your world, it's not collective, it doesn't deserves parades or emotional empty speeches by "feel good" people. Only true words from true friends and kind acts out of spotlight, and taking one day at a time even when the wind is a hurricane will make you go through. In spite of everything, you got this, you and the people around you. Anyway, at least I wish you the best, and I hope this song may bring you hope too. This small commentary became a huge monologue, so I'll say it again, do not underrestimate Katy, or this song! You're the very best, see you next time!
And PS: If you don't have Spotify, do not distress, as I have the Youtube link to it right here:
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