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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we begin March with Heretical Ideas for Education

Good evening, my friend, reader of this post! How are you, today? I would like to wish you a happy new week and a happy March! The change of seasons is incoming, and I have survived the worst of summer, that is a positive! How have you been? I know, I did not write much in February, but I should be grateful that I wrote at all, given the mental challenges faced by me. All a matter of perspective. So, I had my first nightmare in a while... another one that takes place in high school. Most of them do. It was a horrendous time of my life, and the more I am in time detached to it, the more I realize maybe I am more resilient than I think I may be, as those days were just hellish. I find very little saving graces about them. I desire I could be homeschooled, and I think it would have saved me most of the terrible experiences in dealing with the worst of the worst of humans, with the devil in the place of their souls. Not just humans, but also seeing in first hand the communist apparatus in ...

Song of the week! And the part 4 of the Story!

Hello everyone! Happy Friday to you and good Afternoon! The Weekend is coming and that is really exciting! I'm on my vacations of course, but still, it is a nice thing, though seeing the time passing, not so much, but anyway, how are you today and how are things going? As usual, I wish you the best and hope you are fine! As for me, today is being a rainy day, but in spite of that, is being really hot as well, so that's bad indeed, though rain is always appreciated by me. I'm on the office of Grandpa, writing this as the air conditioner is on, and the two eletric fans as well! If my grandma finds out, she will be so mad! I think I should turn the air conditioner off soon, but the sensation of it on is so good, so refreshing, I'm pushing the time I'll do it, and by doing it increasing the probability of me receiving a real lecture from grandma on how energy is expensive, how I shouldn't turn this on, only for sleeping, yaddayaddayadda and yadda... Yeah, the perks of living in a tropical country! Yay!
But well, today we have the song of the week, but also our story... I want to merge the two of them, having a song that could merge well into it, so I'm bringing a small piece by the Brazilian Composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, a really lovely one, easy on the ears and that has a really spooky feeling to it! I bring to you, on Spotify: a part of the "Martirio dos Insetos"! Which I'll translate as The Martydom of the insects, aka those mosquitoes you kill when they bother you, that one is for them! Aha!
Unfortunately I couldn't find a version of this song on Youtube, I'm sorry, but anyway, here it is! And after that, we shall jump to the story!

-Hello there! I'm lost, can you help me!
-Oh! Hey there! I'm lost too... I was actually going to ask you if you could help me... Wow, what is happening?
-Wait, have you lost yourself as well? I mean...
-So you too went up stuck in this place and now don't have a single clue on how to escape it? Yes, precisely...
-But how...
-I know as much as you do! In one moment, I was on a resort, on the other, I was here!
-What? Tell me your story!
-I was in this resort, with a group of people from my college... I spent this whole day by the pool. By the end of it, I was returning to the building when I remembered I had to put the towels back to the towel hut, none was close to me then, so I had to walk a while to reach some and put them into it. It was an automatic action for me, I wasn't thinking on the fact that I went away from the group I was following, and that place is huge, so yea, I was lost now. I didn't know where that place started, where that place was going to end, and I went on walking, and walking, trying to find a way back to the building of my room. In one point I decided to enter in one of the buildings, in hope of maybe getting some directions, and all the buildings there were linked to one another, so anyway, I thought this was going to help me, it didn't. I was even more lost now, hallway after hallway, doors that had nothing to do with me, no sinalization in sight whatsoever. No people in sight either! It is Summer! That place should've been teeming with people! How is that possible?! Well, I kept on walking, and then...
-You ended up here?
-Almost, not yet... and then I saw a different hall, glowing a little, looking even cleaner. I was curions and decided to explore it. And then I saw people! But they were using different clothes, but they were talking and they looked quite cheerful, I was feeling weird, since as you can see, I'm wearing old clumsy clothes, I was at the swimming pool before. But I ended up reaching one group, asking where I could find a place to ask for informations, the lobby of the resort. They thought I was talking nonesense, but they told me they were going to the petunia pavillion. I didn't know that resort had such a thing, everything was really odd, but I followed them, and I saw more and more people, dressed in furs, silk, the dresses were on place, so were the bowties and the bullet hats. And I saw a door made of glazed wood and with glass windows in it, it was shining. I went through it and found myself in a huge room, crowded, but quite comfortable, and well refrigerated. Quite a lot of sofas, ottomans, coffee tables, lamps. They had a very dark pink color to it. As I explored it, I found myself in another room, more quiet. On one of the sofas I could see a lady dressed in white with a black make up, and using a strawhat. She was reading a magazine, and then she said that I looked lost! And I told her I just wanted to return to my room. She wondered what I meant by it, but told me that the exit to the building was right next to me. I found out that she wasn't going to help me too much, but I thanked her and passed through a spinning door, made out of glazed wood. I stumbled upon a huge terrace and a stairway to the ground. I went down the stairs and realized I was really lost, I had no idea where I was now. I had no better thing to do, so I just kept on walking, I passed through a huge arc, and I ended on this odd corridor, and I walked and discovered you! 
-Your story is much more interesting than mine! Well, I don't know what we're going to do so we can return to our places, I explored a bit, found not too much...
-So we're stuck here?! No! I need to go back! Mom and Dad will be concerned when they find out, how about my college group? They will realize soon I'm gone!
-Hey, calm down, I already had my desperation moments and they lead me nowhere! Try to relax, by the way I'm Toby, what is your name?
-I'm Pamela! 
-So, Toby, what we do now?
-I have no idea, Pamela... but we must get out of here and go back to where we belong, and right now I have no idea on how to do this
-Neither do I... Well, there's nothing for me to do but walk, are you coming with me? 
-Sure! I have nothing else to do either
So we found ourselves looking for a way out, walking through that huge place, with so many beautiful houses, a lot of flowers too, as that place was a gigantic garden. We both were shy, as I noticed, as we talked we became friends. We talked about the dead animals in our family and how we reacted to it, shopping, how the flowers were beautiful, and then a house called my attention.
-Hey, look at this house! Beautiful! Are the owners in? Could this be the place of the gateway back home?
- I'm not sure! We can't just walk in the place, that's property tresspassing right?
-This place is weird and the hose is empty, I think it's worth trying
-If you say so...
It was a bit unusual for me to suggest doing something that really wasn't right, but we really wanted to return to our places, so it was worth the attempt. First, we ring the doorbell, to make sure the place was empty, when we ring the second time and no one came to the door, we realized the place was really empty, so we entered in it, as the door was not locked, hopefully we could find something that could help us.

And this is it for today! The next part is coming tomorrow, as tomorrow is Saturday, and if I see we're next to finish the story, I can make a special post this Sunday maybe! We shall see how things will go! And for ending this post, I have to show you guys a house, not only for ending this post with a picture but also because so you guys can have an idea how are the houses on the place they found themselves into:

And this is it for today's post! Thank you so so much for being here, you are the very best, and I wish you the best! Thank you!


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