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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which Coffee Coffee Returns, and a snippet into the Videogame Renaissance

Good afternoon and happy Sunday, my friend, reader of this post! How are you? How is the weather? As on my end, the weather is pleasant, as it has been the praxis in the past weeks, never above 28 celsius, thank Goodness! Ah, just two months ago, it seemed like summer was never to end, and yet, it did, and precious little winter time should be cherished in the tropical area! And, as for myself, I am okay! In good spirits overall. Tomorrow is the big release of Victoria 3's first Expansion DLC, I am very excited for it. Yesterday was also a pleasant day, I played Anno 1800 and Sims 3, and what's more, as we are at the eve of two months since the big surgery, I was allowed to have caffeine again, much to my relief! I also finished a drawing, and scanned it, even if the process was a misadventure. Today, I finally sat down to play Imperium Romanum, and I enjoyed it! In fact, I played for almost two hours in just one sitting, already planning for more time with it. I also played so

Song of the week! In which we visit a Wishing Well!!

Hello everyone!!! Happy Friday to you and good evening!! It is almost 7PM here! Today I decided to do the post a bit later, as I think sometimes this can push me to do it more efficiently! Though I tend to prefer doing them a bit earlier, anyway, how are you today and how are things going? As usual, I wish you the best and hope you are having a wonderful day! As for me, I watched a lovely Documentary, a bit of the Great Interior Design Challenge, a wonderful show, did a fanart to my friend and The Sims. The Sims. Yes, this game caught me, I did lots of things today in it, and my head feels a bit dizzy since I spent far too much time in it. Well, there is always a tomorrow for drawing and doing stuff though, so things are fine, and I made huge progress on the game today, so it wasn't a waste of time, quite the opposite! Well, today I also had a bit of a headache, but well, anyway, it was a calm day.
And our song of the week is calm as well, wonderful to listen, and is by one of the favorite artists I discovered in 2018, Wishing Well by Keith Paluso!!

The wonderful cover of the EP in which the song is present gives a hint on how it goes: down to earth, smells like grass in the rain while you are in the car for some holiday house, absolutely genuine and amazing, and one of the songs I'm listening to the most these days! In fact, Keith is fantastic, very true to his craft, a wonderful guitar player, committed to it and we're elevated to another state on Wishing Well as we are on the other songs, it feels so nice, I am indeed a fan of Keith, I'm so happy to have seen him on the last season of The Voice, and I need to make a proper post on him, but for today we have this song. A wonderful song with a very interesting lyrics, executed with so much creativity by Keith and his special voice. I think this song is very well suited for January, the month of the blank canvas, Keith help us through this journey, so thank you Keith, for everything. You are superb.
Well, if you don't have Spotify, you can check this song on Youtube as well! And I'll include the Bandcamp link to it as well, because why not? Anyway, here it goes!

So this wonderful tune is what we have for today, dear reader! If you want to and have the time, I'd really recommend for you to check on it, as it can maybe add something happy to your life! Thank you so much for being here either way, you are the very best, thank you so much! See you next time!!!
