Hello everyone! Happy Saturday to you! And good Afternoon! How are you today and how are things going? As usual, I wish you the best and hope everything is as good as possible! How is the weather where you are? Here it is hot, wish was raining, sometimes it seems like Winter is coming sometimes it seems like that was just the weather playing tricks with me, which is not as funny as it sounds! This week was kind of crazy, can't believe it is already the day 11 of May, it is hard to keep up with this racing time! Calm down! Soon it will be the birthday of the blog and my birthday and then Halloween and then Christmas, wow... let me breathe for a bit! Talking about time, I just can't believe its been like 8 years that I've been playing Civilization V! Wow, one of my favorite games ever! Let me tell you, I got some story with this game that still goes on till this day! I had this idea of talking a bit about this game yesterday, and after thinking about it I decided to go for it, specially focusing on the art of the game, I'll talk a bit on it, and I'd like to put emphasis on the bit as I'm sure I won't cover everything there is to know on it.
One of my favorite things on the game is the artwork did for the wonders of the game, for example this one on the Broadway wonder, one of my favorites, look how beautiful it is, the impressionist direction they took, everything on it has its own life and own details, now, in the beginning I was a bit disappointed, of course, as I was used with the comemorative videos you'd se when finishing a wonder on the game on Civ IV, that you can check here, but I quickly got used to the new format (now old) of having the paintings of the wonder coming with a quote for it as well, that you can check here, for example, the Broadway Quote is this one:
Broadway is a main artery of New York cultural life - the hardened artery
- WINCHELL, Walter
I just loved those quotes and they brought so much to my life, in fact those were one of the main contributions of Civilization. On Civilization VI, they decided to bring the videos back but leaving the quotes, you can check the result of this here, I guess the best of both worlds, the result is a bit bland I think, Civilization V was so complete with its artwork that it made me forget the celebration videos, to the point I miss the artwork now! Let me bring a couple more of my favorites!!
It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of the air, that emanation from the old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit. -STEVENSON, Robert Loius |
I just love so much the Temple of Artemis in this one and the whole landscape around it, this small street filled with people and columns and trees, truly remarkable, made a huge impact in me back in 2013 when I saw it for the first time, and still awes me. And the quote reasonates with that as well.
Alhambra is another strong one, beautiful and vibrant, one of the wonders I must go to when reaching the medieval age, quite a challenge to do so, always rewarding when it pays off, competition is intense for this one!
I love the wonderful Uffzi Gallery so much! I must visit it one day! I love how beautiful the scene is portrayed here, wit the people passing by and the gallery standing so wonderful and proud of its awesome architecture.
Those who lose dreaming are lost, goes the quote for the Sydney Opera House wonder, a place where indeed dreams gain life and go beyond life, inside and outside of it, and also on this piece of art made for the game, with the beautiful details on the water, and the ordinary aspects of life as well, which is even more wonderful, the tourist ships, the tourists, everyone just checking in this spetacular building.
Finally The CN tower, the most powerful symbol of success in late-game and a edifying view in real life, crowning the city of Toronto and the Whole Canada with its presence, it is indeed a wonderful piece of engineering, marking a statement separating good from bad contemporary architecture.
Those wonders indeed resist the test of time and with time become even more beautiful. And they made my life indeed more colorful and filled with imagination! For that I'm Thankful to Civilization V. I indeed should return to this topic soon! Thank you so much for being here, you are the very best and I appreciate you a lot! I hope to come back soon with another post! See you soon next time!
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