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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which I plan my Christmas Card for 2024

Good morning, dear friend, reader of this post. Happy Sunday, and I wish you the best, both today and on the new week. I must say: September is going by very fast. It is not a bad thing on its own, but I dread the approximation of Summer. There is the bright side the season of holidays is coning, with special dates such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, specially Christmas on my end, since it is my favorite one. How are you, this Sunday? I was here very recently, so I do not expect you to be that much in a different mood, even if a lot can happen in even a couple of hours. s for me, I am... still afloat, recovering from a harsh day, of many tears and no hope. As I try to occupy my free time, I did manage to play some games, such as Sims 3, and Europa Universalis, as well as trying Victoria 3 once again. On Sims 3, as I was in much distress, I decided that I would treat myself to some expansions of the game that I was missing: those were the niche last one released for the game:

Sketch of the week! In which we talk about the small Roman Pavillion!

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday to you!! Good evening! Guess who's here writing another post on the right day? Yay, that's me! Today I had class on the afternoon and had my night free, so I'm having the time and energy to write the post today! How awesome is it? And how are you today? How are things going? Hope all is well and you are having a wonderful day! How is the weather? Here is hot as usual, which is always a bother, but anyway. I hope some rain may come soon, it's taking a while this year, wow! And when it does, it's never on the hours they are going to be enjoyed mostly.
And today I also will have the opportunity to have a sketch of the week! Yesterday night I got bored and didn't want to sleep on time, classical me, so I finished a drawing I was doing for the day! I still plan on drawing more this week, mostly, but anyway, for now my drawing is done! It is an improved version of a drawing I did at the same time last year, the Roman Pavillion! Something on a more classical direction, one path I take sometimes, let me show you guys the drawing!

And here is my previous version of this drawing, started in late may 2018 finished on early June 2018!

For sometime this drawing was quite an achievement for me, the sky was made in my pastel-made sky era, where the background was made using pastels, there's the island and the reflections, also something I was very much in last year that time, the tree colored in different ways, the other tree shaped like an Italian Cypress, and there's the representation of the temple of Love in it, for those who don't know, it's a small but lovely pavillion located in the small Estate of Marie Antoinette, next to the Petit Trianon and her small hamlet houses, let me share with you guys a picture of this small monument!

So this temple in the neoclassical style was the inspiration that made me try doing my sketch, the results were nice in my observation, but some small details painted a less favorable review, the tree is too rounded, his trunk is too big. A huge problem with my sketches of the time was the poor representation of the ground, that looks flat and lifeless, also as time went by I grew tired of Pastel, maybe I should try it again in the future, and I have nothing but respect, awe and admiration for the Rococo masters that did their works using pastels, never will I be worthy of them, but anyway, the point is that color pencils made a comeback that still goes today, and many waters have flown in that lake since last year, after wanting some subject to make a draw on, I revisited my previous idea and kept my ideas faithful to it, but with some important changes, I included a small bench of sand so the grass don't face the water directly, one of my mistakes on the first drawing, I fixed the tree and gave it a more soft personality, increased the size of the temple and made the columns thinner, those columns were the hardest part on the sketch by a large margin. The soil has texture now, and the cypress came to life, and of course the sky is much more softer with the color pencils instead of the pastels. Even if I'm more inclined to Rococo or Art Noveau, I do like to explore the safety and solid feel of Classical architecture, sober and proporcionate, I really got excited talking about this drawing, sorry dear reader for this long analysis, but I just came to life. Anyways, thank you so much for being here.
You are the very best dear reader, and I'm so happy to be able to write on the proper day again!!! Such a feat for me these days, with college and stuff! And I also can't believe Corn Season is almost here! Should be a good one hopefully, or at least I pray for it, I should celebrate if it's good and keep on going if it's bad, just keep on going.
Thank you again dear reader, see you soon next time!


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