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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which we have a September alongside Crisis, Ballet, and Christmas Expectation

Happy Wednesday, my good friend, dear reader of this post! How are you? As for me, I am okay... as okay as I could be, given how extremely turbulent the month of September has been, specially mentally. I have had days of much melancholy and boredom is corroding my will to live. As an example with what I have to deal with, conflicts with my brother become more rispid, as the distance between us mount further. Gaming brings no joy most of the time. I do feel like in a dead end. Energy levels are bellow 0, I am happy if I can get out of bed, at all. Fortunately, today was above average, so I am using this to write a post on the blog, I haven't had the chance to do it in a while. It was a month of low productivity, and given how depressed I've become, I am surprised I managed to do anything at all. How I miss dear Johannes, I wish we could chat at some point, he is usually absent, and we do not have the chance to chat most of the time. Fortunately, today was relatively above averag

In which we have another poem in homage to Wirt!

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday to you and good afternoon! How are you today and how are things going? As usual, I wish you the best and hope things are well and calm! How is the weather where you are? Here, I could notice, even if the forecast didn't suggest anything, that the weather in well shaded areas is bearable and fresh, at least in the morning, how nice is that? No rain, but I can sense winter is here, and I believe it will be raining again soon! I can't believe my midyear vacations are coming, and with them my reposition tests... I will lose some disciplines on college, that is for sure, but I hope the situation may be better than I'm predicting! And I think it will! I'm faithful it will be better than expected! Does it matter, this is what I wonder, as I plan on changing my course in college, indeed, I am planning on going to do design, and I must say I'm excited for it, I hope it may be a good one, I need to check what I need to do in order to actually do so, I better look in the site and ask my mom, but apart from that, anyway, I'm so happy it is June, and so far I'd say things are going calm, which is always nice!
Today isn't a day for posting, usually, but yesterday I told the people in one discord group I'm in that I have finished my poem on Wirt, and one of my pen pals there, Skool, sent me quite a small but enchanting rhime on Wirt! I am not sure if he watched the show, I better ask him later. I did ask him if I could share the work he was sharing with us on the discord group also on my blog, and he agreed, much to my delight! So here it is! I am not sure if the rhymes are correctly assembled, but apart from possibly that, I haven't change a word on his poem, that I find a nice homage to Wirt! So here it is!

By @skool, can be found on Twitter at @skool_tv

Wonderful Wirt 
Of Over The Garden Wall
Of Humble Birth 
He mans the stall

His father ran
Fresh fruit from the farm 
he helps run 
With charisma and bundled charm

He's doing well for himself
Is it enough?
The days are long
The work is tough

Selling his sweat though speech well hardened
He has one goal
To be the lord on the other side
Of the wall well gardened.

And this is the poem! Though not entirely based on the series, I thought it was one quite worth sharing with you, dear reader, hope you like it! And I'm happy to be writing this extra post here today, quite a lovely ocasion! Wonderful to see you, wish you the best like I said before, and you are the best! Thank you so much! See you next time soon, hopefully!


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