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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we begin March with Heretical Ideas for Education

Good evening, my friend, reader of this post! How are you, today? I would like to wish you a happy new week and a happy March! The change of seasons is incoming, and I have survived the worst of summer, that is a positive! How have you been? I know, I did not write much in February, but I should be grateful that I wrote at all, given the mental challenges faced by me. All a matter of perspective. So, I had my first nightmare in a while... another one that takes place in high school. Most of them do. It was a horrendous time of my life, and the more I am in time detached to it, the more I realize maybe I am more resilient than I think I may be, as those days were just hellish. I find very little saving graces about them. I desire I could be homeschooled, and I think it would have saved me most of the terrible experiences in dealing with the worst of the worst of humans, with the devil in the place of their souls. Not just humans, but also seeing in first hand the communist apparatus in ...

Chapter 7: Preparing for the Journey

Eliana showed the house to the boys, showed the deposit of brushes and mops, taught them quickly how to perform using the mops, she told them wax up the floor wouldn't be necessary at the moment, only a nice wash would be enough, as they were walking through the house, they stoped at a window where she pointed to a teenager amongst a somewhat damaged garden and said:
"That is my nephew, Andrew, once you both are finished up here, you shall go see if he needs help, or at least wash some of his boots, don't worry, he's a sweet boy, he's learning the art of gardening with my husband and my children, but they're not around for those days, which means homework for Andrew, also where you gentlemen enter in, well, let us proceed".
The lady, after quite a tour, finished showing the house to the brothers, and after that told them where to leave the parts for the balloons in the house.
"Leave them with Captain Toffeeshire, as he is also assisting me with those tasks, along with my other captains, this is not their function so they're quite upset, I wouldn't worried being mistreated by him though, and if he dares to do so let me know... Okay, you two, this is what I have to show to you both, now you should go and start the job!".
And so the job started, Gregory and Wirt started on the ground floor, removing the device parts from the house and leaving them with Captain Toffeeshire, which was on one of the hangars of the balloons, some of them were a bit big, but nothing too heavy or demanding of hard work, this was also a nice opportunity to meet Toffeeshire.
"We are here with some devices parts, are you Captain Toffeeshire?"
"Indeed I am Toffeeshire, Ambrouse Toffeeshire, Captain Toffeeshire, at your service, I can see you brought me some gadgets"
"Following the orientations of Mrs. Wyatt, sir. She also said, when we finish our chores, you will lead us back home"
"I didn't hear of such thing, well if you're saying, we shall see as the turn of events go..." Toffeeshire, as Eliana said, was not too interested in his tasks helping her with things were none of his business, but he also treated the boys correctly. Time went by and after some long hours, the boys finished the task of taking all the parts of balloons they could find to Toffeeshire.
"Why were those things at the house in the first place? I've never took so many ropes and basket parts out of a place before!" Said Wirt, talking to himself, but hoping Ambrouse could answer, to which he did, but vaguely.
"The employees must have forgotten those inside there, I don't know"
"I think we can take care of the floors now, Wirt"
"Well, I have an idea, I think we are safe here, we should split so we can do the other chores faster, Greg! You should help Andrew while I clean the place"
"Do you think this place is safe, Wirt?"
"Well, I don't for sure, but so far things have happened with no worries, so we should be good to go, what do you think, we should split, then?"
"Yea, I guess so..." Said Greg, not too fond of the idea, but knowing that doing the chores faster meant that they would be home sooner, so Wirt entered in the house for the arduous activity of cleaning it, while Gregory went to talk with Andrew Wyatt about helping him. After walking on the surroundings of the property for a bit, he found Andrew by the garden, while talking care of some sunflowers.
"Are you Andrew? Your Aunt send me to help you with your garden!!"
"Yes I am! Did she? Oh thank God! I do need some help, I need you to wash my other pair of boots,  and put them on a place where they don't get mud, and then I'm gonna show you how to plant some flowers" Said him in a calm voice.
Greg went to look for the pair of boots while Wirt took dust of the paintings while washing the floor and moping it, all at the same time, he looked tired and confused, but was doing the job nonetheless. Greg found the boots on the corner of the laundry area and with a brush and water, and much effort was put in it in order for it to be clean. When Greg finished, though, he was tired and his long sleeve shirt was dirty, but that didn't spoiled his mood necessarily, and after that he was again with Andrew restoring his garden that was so damaged by the recent rain. Wirt was putting books back on the shelves while also taking the dust out of them, he couldn't wait until he was done with this and could go back home.
Time pass by and still Gregory and Wirt were busy doing their chores, but both were progresing well, even if they were tired and dirty also, Greg was assisting Andrew in the garden while Wirt was starting to finish his work on the house. Eliana was seeing the progress and was very much satisfied, The weather varied little, but the clouds were looking menacing at the horizon, something Eliana noted earlier on, but the brothers couldn't pay attention now as they were focusing on the works. Wirt finished with the house and went to assist Gregory, and fortunately he and Andrew were easy to find for him, and soon the three were doing the work of organizing the garden. By the end of the day things were not complete, but Andrew thanked them a lot for their help, and Eliana thanked them a lot for their assistance, telling them that Andrew could assume the rest of the chores with the garden, as not much was needed. She said the boys could soon set sail in the skyes, but warned them to go away fast, as there was a storm coming, one they could avoid going as soon as possible. 
"But the Benevolent is not finished yet, Captain Toffeeshire is still preparing the ship to set sail and he's doing some repair work into it, it's going to take a few hours until both of you can go away."


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