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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we begin March with Heretical Ideas for Education

Good evening, my friend, reader of this post! How are you, today? I would like to wish you a happy new week and a happy March! The change of seasons is incoming, and I have survived the worst of summer, that is a positive! How have you been? I know, I did not write much in February, but I should be grateful that I wrote at all, given the mental challenges faced by me. All a matter of perspective. So, I had my first nightmare in a while... another one that takes place in high school. Most of them do. It was a horrendous time of my life, and the more I am in time detached to it, the more I realize maybe I am more resilient than I think I may be, as those days were just hellish. I find very little saving graces about them. I desire I could be homeschooled, and I think it would have saved me most of the terrible experiences in dealing with the worst of the worst of humans, with the devil in the place of their souls. Not just humans, but also seeing in first hand the communist apparatus in ...

In Which we talk about my thoughts on my Fanfic!

Hello everyone! Happy Saturday to you and I wish you the best! How are you today and how are things going? As usual, I hope all is well and things are fine! How is the weather where you are? Here August started, for my joy, cold and Rainy, in fact, like I said in August 1st, it rained so much part of my town got a bit underwater, which is was quite a mess, but well, I love rain! Today I got some stuff to do, I want to play the Sims, but I also have a presentation to make on Charles Mackintosh, I want to make a fanart and some extra drawings as well, maybe a landscape even!! I'll definitely try! I'm excited, lots of plans!! One of the things I want to do also is to talk a bit about the story I just finished, that took me a long while to do so, as was expected, and share my personal thoughts with you guys! So, let's jump to it!

So, first of all, I wanted the story to have the same structure of the show, which means to start it with the boys already lost, not giving information on how they get lost, something I only revealed on Chapter 6, where on the show it's given this information on chapter 9, I think this works as to add mystery and set the story in motion, also to put emphasis on the fantasy of the whole thing and to give the landscape more importance, it really works, also brings the interest of the audience. Originally I wanted to also do 10 episodes, and more insanely, in 10 days, this quickly fell to nothing, as you have to have content for 10 episodes, and I didn't have that, and I also needed a strong work ethic and some crazy spring of inspiration to write 10 fricking episodes in 10 days, in the end, it ended up being 8 episodes in a space of 30-40 days, and for the best, as it is not rushed (I guess) and I could work on each episode better, giving more thought into it as well. While television screenplay adds more emphasis on dialogue, while writing the approach is different, you have to pay attention to details, make sure the audience is following you and the whole thing has a beginning, middle and end, but also giving into the next episode by the end, not leaving plot holes is really important, chapter 2 was really tough for me, but I managed to explain what happened there in the next ones, which also drove the plot. Of course, much of this is also present on television, but on a different way, dialogue becomes almost secondary, ALMOST. I am aware one of my flaws was not giving too much personality in the dialogues, not as much as it was deserved, not much comedic childhood to Greg, not enough poetry and longing to Wirt, and not as much as I wanted to, but at least things worked in a way it was dinamic and quick pacing, or at least I think so. It was what I wanted in the story as well, a series of short stories that were fast and easy, bite size, to be enjoyed at any moment. The Aesthetics played a huge role into the narration, while originally Over The Garden Wall is all over the place concerning it, going to the 1890's-1900's to the 1600's, with the pilgrims, Mrs. Langtree and her school, the whole atmosphere of it, I wanted to center my whole story in 1880 aesthetically, on the world of Art Nouveau and progress, with many steam machines, air balloons, vegetation, magazines, I hope I could pass this atmosphere to the audience, I debated whether or not adding Geoffrey Ezra into the plot, as he is the builder of worlds and the glue that puts my universe together, but in the end there was no space for him, it can be given hints though that his footprint is there, in the world of Mr. Synklisi, name that means confusion in Greek after all. He was loosely inspired in some of my characters mentioned a while ago here on the blog, but, like Geoff, he is an eccentric milionaire who has a lot of dreams and manage to turn that into money and achievements, like I wanted to explain in his backstory on chapter 4, I needed that, to give some more background to the whole thing. Finally, the idea for this whole fanfic came from another story I was, and still am Planning, that got mixed in the whole thing, which is the gardening story, the journey of a character on a mysterious world while visiting his relatives in order to learn about gardening more, I even may work on this story later, having Andrew Wyatt and George Georgetown in the plot. Andrew came in this story, George Georgetown came in the plot for the other story I'm planning on, this will have to wait, as I'm so exhausted from this whole adventure, as exhausted as Wirt and Greg, but definitely come as a plan for the future, we shall see! I hope to write more poetry as well, I got to explore some small pieces of poetry as the story went by, which was a nice thing to add to it. Well, in the end, hope it was a good experience, I certainly loved doing it, even if it was hard. I hope to talk more about the story later on. Andrew and Captain Toffeeshire were homages I made to my online friends, Captain Toffeeshire representing Justin and Ken, and Andrew representing an actual Andrew, which is a very good person that I love to have in my life.
Well, for today this is it! Quite a lot I wrote today!!! Hope you may have a wonderful Saturday, and again, I wish you the best! You are the best! Thank you so much for being here reading this! See you all next time, Yay!!!!


  1. I love the rain as well! Thunderstorms are my favorite :) Keep up the good writing!

    1. Omg I love rain as well, it is so amazing! Thank you for the compliment my friend, you are amazingggg!!!


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