Hello everyone! Happy Monday and good morning to you! How are you today and how are things going? As usual, I wish you the best and hope things are fine, how is the weather where you are? Here things are sunny and windy, with some touches of Winter, some touches of Summer, and so on, what a lovely day it is. I have so much expectation, my new computer is predicted to arrive this week, maybe it will come today! This is what I hope for! If it doesn't that's fine, but if it does wooow it would be extremely awesome! Guys, I'm sorry for having so little to type these days, but I don't know what to say, I didn't write much stories these days, and I didn't draw as well, I want to but I'm also taking a break from it as I feel I need to rest it up a bit, maybe I will try to work on some doodles later on today but that's it, I have some extra ideas on what to do, like a new fanart, but anyway, let them cook in my mind for a bit.
Today I have a very special picture for you guys! Let's jump to it!
This is a CD-ROM featuring wallpapers and screensavers from the Yellowstone Park in the United States, do you remember when those were a thing? Those CD-ROMS for things to install in the computer, this one is quite amusing, in the requirements it asks for the person to have Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP or further edition, oh the memories! I loved to mess up with CDs and stuff when I was younger, most of my games required for me to have the CD on while starting the game, the result of this was me traveling home to the house of my grandma carrying ALL MY GAME BOXERS to there so I could play on the computer of my Grandpa, the memories indeed, and losing or damaging a game meant "end of the line" for many games, it happened with Age of Empires II, Pharao, Civilization III, Empire Earth I and II, it was quite a trauma for me as a kid, people have it easy these days, with Steam and Origin and so on, and CDs and DVDs are a thing of the past, or at least on our routines, I'd still buy physical copies if they're available to me at the store, but usually purchasing on the internet, specially digital copies, is definitely way more practical! Does this mean it's the end of stores? I would say of course not, but definitely a tech revolution is still going on as we speak, and that's amazing, I don't think malls or bookstores or gamestores are doomed, only those who don't be able to adapt are doomed, as for me, I prefer shopping physically, this blog is named The Divagation Store for this meaning, but anyway, new options are ALWAYS good, The Free Market is a thing of heavens, one that people should always stop by and admire from time to time.
And this is it for today! For a person that said sorry for not writing enough I quite wrote a lot this edition! Wow! Well, thank you so much for being here dear reader, you are the very best! See you all next time! Yahoo!!
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