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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which the much waited DLC for Victoria 3 comes out!

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Thursday! How are you and how was your week so far? How is the weather? As for me, I cannot deny it was a week with a great event, new DLC for Victoria 3 being released. The game, that I haven't touched much since May, was quickly revived by this new content. More on that, further on the this blog entry. I am overall okay, some ups and downs, I suppose it happens. At least I managed to sleep more reasonably Wednesday night, it has been rare for me to rest as much when I am supposed to do it, so that is a good achievement! The weather has been pleasant as well, cheers to that, I love Winter! How June is going by fast, at this point. Soon, it will be over. I already should plan on my Wrap up post of the month, so we can start July in a good way... one month closer to my birthday. I still hope I can switch phones, somehow, but financial troubles still haunt me. I did spend more in June than I was expecting, way more than I should, mu

Sketch of the week! In which we have more improv digital art!

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday to you! Good morning and I wish you the best! How are you today and how are things going? As usual, I hope all is well! How is the weather where you are? Here the weather is quite pleasant, on this beginning of springtime, though is beginning of fall season in the northern hemisphere, the change of seasons, how marvelous, I hope the rains continue to fall! I barely have any spring here, the flowers usually blossom everytime of the year, but well, as I don't have fall season as well, there is no reason for leaves to fall where I live, because there's no snow for the trees to be concerned about. Here is the land of the never ending summer season, with a mild summer in June through September, and a real summer through october and December, passing through January and having its heydays in April. I wish seasons here could be truly seasonal like in the northern hemisphere or even at the south of the country I live, but anyway, guess things happen for a reason, I just gotta live and figure stuff out.
Today I have a small and poorly made sketch to share it with you guys, one that I just finished and can't wait to show yall, let's jump into it!

Here we have my improv castle painted in my favorite colors, some trees at the background, some grass that grows too, and a tree painted with "oil painting"! Yes you work with what you got, and I was inspired to try and doodle some sketches on Paint 3D! This is the final result! How do you guys like it? Haha, I know, the quality sucks, but I didn't take anything from anyone doing it, so the world is not a worst off place because of my drawing, so in the end this is what matters right? Well, for today this is it, just a post to share it with you guys, wonderful people, the best people ever! Thank you so much for being here today! Wish you the best and you are the best, as I said, and see you next time! Hurray!
