Hello guys! Happy Saturday everyone and good evening! How are you today and how are things going? As usual, I wish you the best, as you are the best, and I'm here writing on my blog after a week of basic hiatus, to which I'm sorry about and I'll explain my reasons, but before that how is the weather where you are? Refreshing I hope, for here it is so hot I'm not sure if I'm properly surviving! What a springtime! And of course it is Fall season on the North, in America and Canada, my favorite places, how amazing it is! So let's jump into this new week shall we?
Also, I must announce something really important here officially, for now I've quit Architecture, yes, unfortunately it is true, I wasnt wanting to take the course anymore and did what I wanted to do, and this is it, we won't hear about architecture about a bit, unless I change my mind, which I doubt I wil...
Also, I know, another also, sorry, but today is Children's day! Happy Day Childrens! Wish you all a lovely season filled with gifts of love.
So this week I went on a photography course and it is been interesting to say the least, learned about the composition rules in a picture, learned about the obturator, about the aperture of the diafragma, and so on, had a couple of photographic practices that were pretty cool, it only has 3 hours of duration so it doesn't get too overwhelming, it isn't too tiring either, it has two weeks as well, so the next will be the last one, so also, guys, sorry for being missing those days, the class happens on the afternoons, and I'm not complaining at all, as I prefer to have classes on the afternoon than on the evening or on the morning, BUT this also means I arrive at home totally exhausted, I just go for my bed and stay there for most of the time, I'm not watching this season of The Voice so far either, I may soon, but at least not now, as the episodes run too late at night and I want to sleep in this time, my days of staying pass midnight so far are behind me, or at least something happens, then I might change my mind. My attention span never was great either, and two hour episodes may make me question why bother with the television, as I like more active activities such as drawing, watching The Office and so on. My grandma pass an abstract for me to translate, God knows I hate doing these things, I may leave it to tomorrow as I don't feel like doing it today... So here is a picture I took on my photography practice!

I love feet, they are very underestimated, and tennis and socks are amazing for me as well, I love them, this is from my professor and another student. Here's another picture.
One of the techniques is related to repetitive objects and how you place them, here we have an example of how this is arranged, with the arm chairs repeating itself...
And this is it for today! I will now see what else I can do for today! Thank you so much dear reader, and forgive me for my absence, I will try to post at least once a week as the course goes by, it's only until the next week anyways so I will be fine, don't worry guys, I'm still here and I'm kind of okay, well see you all soon, happy Saturday!
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