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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which the much waited DLC for Victoria 3 comes out!

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Thursday! How are you and how was your week so far? How is the weather? As for me, I cannot deny it was a week with a great event, new DLC for Victoria 3 being released. The game, that I haven't touched much since May, was quickly revived by this new content. More on that, further on the this blog entry. I am overall okay, some ups and downs, I suppose it happens. At least I managed to sleep more reasonably Wednesday night, it has been rare for me to rest as much when I am supposed to do it, so that is a good achievement! The weather has been pleasant as well, cheers to that, I love Winter! How June is going by fast, at this point. Soon, it will be over. I already should plan on my Wrap up post of the month, so we can start July in a good way... one month closer to my birthday. I still hope I can switch phones, somehow, but financial troubles still haunt me. I did spend more in June than I was expecting, way more than I should, mu

In which we say Hello to December!

Good morning and Happy December everyone! Here's an army of nutcrackers to start the day with the right foot, hurray!

How are you and how are things going? As usual, I wish you the best and hope all is wel! How is the weather where you are? Here it is hot, like I said, Christmas in flames, not white Christmas I'm afraid, but either way, I must say that this is my favorite month ever and I wanted it to be special, so I have some plans on how to make it special, like first of all I want to relax, this is true, but I also want to get my artistic side nourished so I plan on making at least a drawing per week this month, I also plan starting my story that I talked about, hopefully it will be just a chapter long (praying for it), maybe I'll do more than just a story, I also will try to post at least twice on my blog as well, even when I don't have nothing to say, just to share a picture of Christmas with you guys, my favorite time of year! I also wanted The Sims expansions! I want the Discover University, I want Strangerville, Realm of Magic and Get to Work, and maybe a few more! I'm so excited to see what's next for me in my favorite month, how beautiful this Christmas season will be, what things I'll do to celebrate it, what gifts will I receive, what pictures will I take, I mean, of course I shouldn't be so excited and possibly ruin everything with my expectations, but still, when you dream it is amazing, and everything I got right this month will be a victory as well! A wonderful victory that I will cherish and recember as another beautiful christmas season, if it doesn't go too well there is always next year, no matter how agonizing it is the wait, it is important to say though that Christmas is every single day, but it only comes out of the stand by mode in November! Hurray!!!!

Here's a Christmas decoration to celebrate this beautiful event! This doll could be the character of my story! A russian Princess that comes to celebrate this time of the year! Maybe I can call her Daria, what you guys think? Daria Preskova! She is on a journey to the land of Father Winter and Mother Christmas, hey, I like this idea a lot! Wish I could write it as much as I can sketch about it, well, this could be a story for another day, maybe a small one, let's see how it goes, well, for today this is it, I will try to come back tomorrow with more, if I can at least! Thank you so much for being here dear reader, you are the best! Wish you the best this December and much happiness to you as well! Happy Glorious day!
