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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which the much waited DLC for Victoria 3 comes out!

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Thursday! How are you and how was your week so far? How is the weather? As for me, I cannot deny it was a week with a great event, new DLC for Victoria 3 being released. The game, that I haven't touched much since May, was quickly revived by this new content. More on that, further on the this blog entry. I am overall okay, some ups and downs, I suppose it happens. At least I managed to sleep more reasonably Wednesday night, it has been rare for me to rest as much when I am supposed to do it, so that is a good achievement! The weather has been pleasant as well, cheers to that, I love Winter! How June is going by fast, at this point. Soon, it will be over. I already should plan on my Wrap up post of the month, so we can start July in a good way... one month closer to my birthday. I still hope I can switch phones, somehow, but financial troubles still haunt me. I did spend more in June than I was expecting, way more than I should, mu

In which we talk about The Christmas Puppy

Hello everyone! Good morning and happy Saturday, day 21 of December, this time of Christmas and good cheer! How are you today and how are things going? How is Christmas time going for you? As usual, I wish you the best and I'm so excited Christmas is so close to us, I mean, it's always with us, BUT the time of the year that we OFFICIALLY celebrate this amazing season is amongst us, much to our happiness! How is the weather where you are? Here it is hot, hot, and with a good chance of more hot, but I got a good fan next to me which is giving me a very good amount of wind in my face, so that's good! Today I have an image to share with you guys! One that brings me much joy and cheer! I present the Christmas Pup!

The Christmas Pup is in the family for about 10 years now! Which is so crazy! He was there before this wall was Blue, and I must say that one is the only thing blue about this picture haha, also, he used to bark the Jingle Bells song when you pressed his paw! How cool is that? but well, speaking of which, I should have posted this yesterday but I was really feeling down that day, without any single inspiration and my mind wasn't on the right side, but today I did my homework, I didn't rush waking up, I drank two mugs of coffee for that extra energy I was in need of and here we are, talking about the Christmas Puppy, representing the faithful companion that will come every December to fill your house with joy and cheer, and this is the Christmas Decoration, that represents everything of beautiful and good in life, coming after a year in stand by to culminate on this celebration of life and beauty, that I am happy to say is my favorite time of the year! I'm still not 100% today, of course, but just for the fact that is Christmas, and the 24 is so close of us, this already gives me 50% of inspiration and energy to keep on going! The other 50% of course is up to me, and I confess I sometimes suck at finding them, but anyway, here we are, on a post I managed on doing, which is no small feat! Well anyway, this post is getting quite long so I should stop writing for now haha, wish you the best dear reader, good day to you, see you next time, if possible!
