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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which we have a September alongside Crisis, Ballet, and Christmas Expectation

Happy Wednesday, my good friend, dear reader of this post! How are you? As for me, I am okay... as okay as I could be, given how extremely turbulent the month of September has been, specially mentally. I have had days of much melancholy and boredom is corroding my will to live. As an example with what I have to deal with, conflicts with my brother become more rispid, as the distance between us mount further. Gaming brings no joy most of the time. I do feel like in a dead end. Energy levels are bellow 0, I am happy if I can get out of bed, at all. Fortunately, today was above average, so I am using this to write a post on the blog, I haven't had the chance to do it in a while. It was a month of low productivity, and given how depressed I've become, I am surprised I managed to do anything at all. How I miss dear Johannes, I wish we could chat at some point, he is usually absent, and we do not have the chance to chat most of the time. Fortunately, today was relatively above averag

Picture of the week! In which I missed Monday's post haha

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday and I wish you the best! How are you today and how are things going? I do hope all is well and things are fine! As for me I woke up, drank coffee, hang out a the stream of a friend, and onw I'm here trying to recover the lost time, God how talkative I become when I drink coffee! Moving on, how is the weather where you are? Here it is pretty much summertime, which doesn't fit a nice Christmas, I know, but well, you work with what you got, and I love Christmas time either way! Christmas in the tropics indeed, and speaking of Which, I completely forgot to post anything yesterday, just when I said I'd try not to procrastinate in this month haha, well, like I said, try, is not the same thing as succeed, and anyway, sometimes you fail, which is fine, I always love every day is a new day so we can try again, and save the success we already had on the day before, you see, that's the road of life, I'm afraid, paved with failures, but also with small gains, leading towards happiness I hope, sometimes the road is better than other times, but anyway, I divagate myself, which is also the name of this blog haha, well anyway, today I wanted to share more Christmas with you guys! So let's jump into it! I also would like to share a small poem with you guys on Air Conditioning, so here we go

Air conditioning
Simulates cold
False cold
But he’s good on trying 
Cold is refreshing 
Simulates cold
False cold

Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning
Makes the air bearable
Turn hot places comfortable
But it simulates cold
False cold
Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning
Contributes to Civilization
Introduce tropic regions 
To refrigeration
But it only Simulates cold
False cold
Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning
Brings Christmas to Australia
Convert places to Antartica
But only simulates cold
False cold
Air Conditioning

So this is an impromptu Poem I started in November 2019 and just started adding more bits to it now, really at an improvisation level! I like playing with words, it's cool, this one was more on an experimental level as well, inspired by the opera Einstein on the Beach at first, but it lost its minimalistic appeal as I wrote more on it, like I said, I can't help it, I get talkative when I drink coffee haha, specially in the morning! As I cant drink it on the afternoon or God forbids at night, since that would prevent me from sleeping forever! I know that from practice, you guys, have I mentioned I did a photography course this October? It was a small one, only two weeks time, and there, you could find a coffee so strong that I drank it in 3PM in the afternoon and didn't managed to sleep that night, wow guys what a strong coffee!! Why do I always feel like I'm leaving something out of the post? Well, must be an intrusive thought, anyways, I think I'm ending the post here, thank you so much guys for reading, wish you the best like I said, and see you next time!


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