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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which the much waited DLC for Victoria 3 comes out!

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Thursday! How are you and how was your week so far? How is the weather? As for me, I cannot deny it was a week with a great event, new DLC for Victoria 3 being released. The game, that I haven't touched much since May, was quickly revived by this new content. More on that, further on the this blog entry. I am overall okay, some ups and downs, I suppose it happens. At least I managed to sleep more reasonably Wednesday night, it has been rare for me to rest as much when I am supposed to do it, so that is a good achievement! The weather has been pleasant as well, cheers to that, I love Winter! How June is going by fast, at this point. Soon, it will be over. I already should plan on my Wrap up post of the month, so we can start July in a good way... one month closer to my birthday. I still hope I can switch phones, somehow, but financial troubles still haunt me. I did spend more in June than I was expecting, way more than I should, mu

In which we talk about Ginko

Good morning everyone! Do tell, dear reader, how are you today and how are things going? I hope all is well! And how is the weather where you are? Here it is windy, my bedroom has a good temperature, thanks to my curtain and my fan, overall it is still winter, which makes me happy, let us enjoy winter as it lasts, because soon will be summer! But well, my bedroom has curtains, so that should save me from the heat! Today I found myself with not much to say on the blog, but then I remembered my time recently watching a show with my friend Ethan, and I decided I should talk about it! I'm not too fond of Anime, but this particular show captivated me, Ethan wanted me to watch it for a while now, and he managed to do so! Well, I'll talk about the main character of this particular series. So, let's jump into it!

Ginko is the main character of a japanese animation called "Mushi Shi", and talking about Mushi Shi is essentially talking about Ginko's habit of wander through the land of Japan of the 19th century. His wanderness is specially explained by the fact he doesn't have a fixed place of living, nor he feel like he could settle, since he attracts strange beings called "Mushi" (that give the name of the show). You can't say that's an ability or a gift, specially because Mushi , though neutral beings representing the essence of life, causes all kinds of troubles in contact with humans and the creatures around, and you'll see that as you watch the show. Ginko is calm, laid back and contemplative. Being interested in Mushi, he tries to solve the problems Mushi cause, and he is caring towards the people around him, though he is a wanderer. Only one episode so far (I'm on episode 12-13 of a two season 20 episodes show) he is shown to be in painful distress, but for the overwhelming part of the time he is peaceful and in control of his emotions. The character is fascinating and softly seductive, and it appears he knows that. He is shy and a good friend though.

I am very fond of Ginko, he inspires calmness in me, and his laid back quiet style attracts me, he sounds like a good person to have around, even if he'd not stay in the place for long. He is very knowledgeble and his awareness that he does not know anything makes him, like I said, a fascinating and softly seductive character. There is something melancholic about him, or is it just me, that know that such person does not exist. 

This is what I have to say about him, thank you so much for being here, wish you the best, and I see you next time, and I hope next time is real soon!
