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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we return to SimCity 2013, victim of blind spots...

Good afternoon, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Tuesday, how are you? How have the first week of 2025 treated you? An auspicious start, so I hope! As for me, I am okay... at moments, because I have been trying some different things on my games and computer, I feel in the dark, walking in circles with no purporse and so I become frustrated. The hobby has also caused me to be less mentally available for drawing or writing, at least over the past few days, which is also a source for dismay. In retrospect, though, it's not all bad. I think my first drawing of 2025, the cherry tree, tradition since 2022, looked quite charming, and I trust I will do some more at some point real soon, there is no reason for any stress I'd say, even if I stress all the same. The year caused me to become surprised with its walking, because on a chain of events that started with SimCity 4, released 2003, I ended up returning to the infamous title SimCity 2013, famous for ending SimCity as a franchi...

In Which I am a bit burn out of Civ

Hey guys! How are you? I hope the answer to that is well, if it isn't, I hope things may turn your way soon, I know the world is never that simple, but life moves forward, one way or another. How is the weather where you are? Here it is fresh for now, as I'm writing this post in the morning, I shouldn't get too used to it though, as summer comes, it will only get hotter and hotter, which is an issue for sure! But anyway, today I'm here to talk a bit about boredom and its causes, its most strong cause is my burn out of one of my favorite games, Civ VI, let's jump into it, and maybe on other posts I'll write it more about boredom, maybe it will become a small series on the blog! Can't promise that, but here's an idea for the future!

But first, here's another painting by the talented Eliseu Visconti, a brazilian painter we talked about a bit ago, I love his style, this one, Central Avenue (Avenida Central on the original), made in 1910, is quite lovely and reminds me of Civ V, which is a wonderfully beautiful game, filled with those impressionistic details! Not even Civ V though not even Civ V was immune from burning out, quite the opposite, and speaking of which...

So yes, I feel a bit burn out of Civilization, I don't know why, maybe I played too much, maybe the last paid update wasn't enough for me to feel excited about the game, since Byzantium is not a civ with bonuses I could properly take advantage of, and Gaul is in the same realm of the first one quoted. The Dramatic Ages also weren't enough for me to feel excited about the game again, I still bought the update and I don't regret it, but the fact is I still feel burn out. I think the main reason is though, that everytime I finish a civ game, I feel empty, like the feel after finishing a book, or even finishing a hard drawing that took me a longer time to finish than usual. When you do it before the end of the day, I feel empty for the moment, and the emptiness follows me for a while, which is scarying and also annoying. Everyone can suffer with this burn out, the Saxy Gamer, for example, feels the same way sometimes, by the way, he is an awesome Civ youtuber and streamer, and if you guys, like me, are into Civ VI, I suggest dropping him a sub and a follow, here are the links for his stuff:

Saxy Gamer's Youtube Channel

Saxy Gamer's Twitch Channel

His voice is smooth and silky, and he is so cool, he has a kitten named Eugene that like to chew him, it's so cute! I think he's a nice fellow, as well as a great content creator, and I think, even if his opinions many times are not my own, I think it's worth taking them into consideration! I mean, he plays on Deity, the hardest level on Civ, and I play on Prince for the most part, also I started playing on Civ II, he only played a bit of Civ V (my favorite civ ever) and Civ VI, though he played the crap ton of Civ VI, so much you can trust his judgement in the game. He is also very smart, and has an Youtube on Nuclear energy as well, I think it's awesome. He hasn't posted there too much, but I'm gonna promote his channel Isotopical too, so if you have interest in Nuclear Energy, this fascinating and underrapreciated world, give it a sub!

Isotopical Channel by the Saxy Gamer

So, yea, this is it for today's post, I should write about this more in the future, but for now it's what I have to offer, thank you so much for being here, dear reader, love you, and I see you real soon!


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