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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which we have a September alongside Crisis, Ballet, and Christmas Expectation

Happy Wednesday, my good friend, dear reader of this post! How are you? As for me, I am okay... as okay as I could be, given how extremely turbulent the month of September has been, specially mentally. I have had days of much melancholy and boredom is corroding my will to live. As an example with what I have to deal with, conflicts with my brother become more rispid, as the distance between us mount further. Gaming brings no joy most of the time. I do feel like in a dead end. Energy levels are bellow 0, I am happy if I can get out of bed, at all. Fortunately, today was above average, so I am using this to write a post on the blog, I haven't had the chance to do it in a while. It was a month of low productivity, and given how depressed I've become, I am surprised I managed to do anything at all. How I miss dear Johannes, I wish we could chat at some point, he is usually absent, and we do not have the chance to chat most of the time. Fortunately, today was relatively above averag

In Which I frustrate mysef over the bad Civ V match

Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! It is the last one of 2020, what? How could this happen? It seems like I was making my first drawing of this year yesterday! Do you guys remember how slow the beginning of 2020 was? It was marked to be a bad one, and at a certain point it was being like that. It improved ironically as the world went bananas over the Kung Flu. As I was at home, nothing but me, my videogames, my immediate family (brother and mom, that yes, stress me overtime, but not as much as my other family members do (love you guys, promise)), my discord family, with no pilates or college concerns for the foreseeable future, yes, after a huge blow in March, it was when started to turn around for the better. How are you? Hope your last Monday may be a blessed day, one way or another. So, how is the weather? Here, oddly enough, it's been a more mild summer somehow, with rain and winds, even if it doesn't make it less hot at moments.

And with the Last Monday, we had the last Sunday! How did you spent it? I decided to play Civ V yesterday, and this revealed to be a grand mistake in the end, even if I took no risks and chose playing as Rome, one of my favorite civs. I mean, it started well, good starting location, which is crucial, and I built all the classical era wonders I wanted, it was a game that seemed to be going well, until someone reached the MODERN ERA in like 1690, like WHAT!!!! I was barely at the Reinassance era at that point, so it was a huge red flag. Other civs started reaching the modern era and when I noticed, I was rank 9 of 12 in researched techs, which is another huge red flag, the final blow, that showed me the game was lost it was when someone built Broadway, a wonder that I usually build on like the 1870s onward, something was truly unbalanced on that game, and I dropped it in the end, wasn't worth stressing over it indeed! I spent like two hours in that dang game, and for what? I ended up miserable! Without the will to play anything, really, totally bummed. Well, I didn't learn my lesson, because I was trying Civ V again later that same day, yes, this is how I spent my last Sunday of 2020, but it wasn't a bad thing in the end, like, every day is a blessing, even when the day wasn't as good as the last one...

Today is just a quick rant on some not so great things that happened to me, can you believe this Wednesday is going to be my last post of the year? That's crazy! And the anno domini 2021 will start on a Friday, I like the sound of it. Anyway, thank you for being here, I see you again real soon!


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