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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which we have a September alongside Crisis, Ballet, and Christmas Expectation

Happy Wednesday, my good friend, dear reader of this post! How are you? As for me, I am okay... as okay as I could be, given how extremely turbulent the month of September has been, specially mentally. I have had days of much melancholy and boredom is corroding my will to live. As an example with what I have to deal with, conflicts with my brother become more rispid, as the distance between us mount further. Gaming brings no joy most of the time. I do feel like in a dead end. Energy levels are bellow 0, I am happy if I can get out of bed, at all. Fortunately, today was above average, so I am using this to write a post on the blog, I haven't had the chance to do it in a while. It was a month of low productivity, and given how depressed I've become, I am surprised I managed to do anything at all. How I miss dear Johannes, I wish we could chat at some point, he is usually absent, and we do not have the chance to chat most of the time. Fortunately, today was relatively above averag

In which we have the last post of 2020!

Good morning! How are you? I do hope everything is fine, because yes, time has come for us to have the last post of the weird year of 2020, a year in which I and others were on Corona vacation, they thrown us at a hotel and locked us down in our rooms with the windows closed, not even being able to look at the pool, I mean, at least for March and April, when the world was freaking out over such a small, not even alive, thing, and those unfortunately in charge had to unfortunately not only show they were doing something about it, but also flex their muscles and remind the others who is in charge in the end, painfully showing everyone how humanity allowed government to expand to such a size, giving it far too much power, certainly much more than it should have, which in the end, truth tell us, is none power at all. Some took a less freaky path, those were proven the correct ones, but many started to believe, sometimes very quickly, what they were pushed to believe, and that's where tragedy struck. I could tell about another tragedy that occured, that finished what other years started, tearing families and friendships apart, but because I want to focus on myself, let's leave this other reflection for other moment, shall we? Specially because, like I said in my poem, my words are deceiving, if you could hear me speak, I'll not be with a serious tone in my voice, there is plenty to celebrate, at least for me.

I know, grandpa had to go, sooner than all of us would like him to, I know, that monster humiliated me on the internet, for his followers to see, also, I know, the HD files gone were also. But, I learnt a lot about Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator, opening the way to digital art, graphic design, and maybe a career, for me more properly, I improved my English, and I learnt a lot about other things also! I kept on drawing, kept on writing, streamed properly, made some new friends, strenghened some of my older bonds, my state of mind progressively improved as the year went by, thanks also to my wonderful therapist, even if we do struggle at times to understand each other, I cherish him a lot and think he is a wonderful professional. Of course, I had a bad Monday, was crying because I wish me and Kyle were properly friends and could chat more, instead of this sea of distancy that there is between others and this quiet, romantic artist. The quarrels of a romantic artist indeed, distant, that comes of as a snob, but a good soul, who tries to do good. I aknowledge and admire that, that's the reason I appreciate him so much. Kyle, you are awesome and my tears are not your fault, it's entirely my fault.

What a weird post, but I'll keep it that way, it had some bitterness, some sweetness, like 2020 was in the end, a bitter-sweet year, that's how I hope to remember it, the adventure happened within me. Definitely not the annus Horribilis some want us to believe it was. It is up to you to decide, after living it, what was your horrible year, my was 2014. It could have been 2018 also, but nah, I think 2018 was a year of dramatic progress, where 2014 was just pure bitterness, a waste of time for the most part. How was your year in the end, dear reader of this post, my dear friend that followed me through in this another journey? What do you expect for 2021? If I can advise you, do not hope for things you can't control, and the chances of you thriving will grow.

I hope to keep on blogging this 2021, I'm not done yet! I definitely will be here on the first days of January, that's for sure. Well, see you there, real soon!


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