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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which I plan my Christmas Card for 2024

Good morning, dear friend, reader of this post. Happy Sunday, and I wish you the best, both today and on the new week. I must say: September is going by very fast. It is not a bad thing on its own, but I dread the approximation of Summer. There is the bright side the season of holidays is coning, with special dates such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, specially Christmas on my end, since it is my favorite one. How are you, this Sunday? I was here very recently, so I do not expect you to be that much in a different mood, even if a lot can happen in even a couple of hours. s for me, I am... still afloat, recovering from a harsh day, of many tears and no hope. As I try to occupy my free time, I did manage to play some games, such as Sims 3, and Europa Universalis, as well as trying Victoria 3 once again. On Sims 3, as I was in much distress, I decided that I would treat myself to some expansions of the game that I was missing: those were the niche last one released for the game:

In Which I stress over things

I haven't been drawing these days, and it's quite frustrating! Like, there are days in which I wanna draw but I don't do much on that regard, besides thinking about it, potentially stressing, as well... And what to draw, those moments I'm more inclined on drawing faces, which is my most popular theme, as buildings are a bit more complicated, and plants sometimes I just don't feel like doing so, all of them, of course, in my cartoon style! I also haven't posting about my drawings these days, not only because I have an instagram for my drawings now (this one right here!) but because I feel kinda intimidated on coming with background stories, I am afraid of repeating myself, for example. I stress about a lot of things, I stress if Kyle will delete me on discord and block me or not, actually, this is one of my most common stresses, if people, specially my dear friends, are gonna delete me on discord and block me or not, and I try my best to keep balance with most of them! Like, thank God, it's not something that bothers me as much as I used to, but I have a long way to go to make this stop haunting my dreams! I stress if grandma, or mom, or anyone will get mad at me for some reason, and will make me feel guilty! I stress about if I should write less on my blog, and when I write less I stress if I should write more! My life is anxiety! Lots of anxiety, a different reason every day, and sometimes the same reason repeating itself! The reason I'm being so open on this post is that I want to be open, transparent, I mean, you guys are my friends! So you guys should know of my struggles! I feel bad for saying Kyle's name, I mean, I hope he doesn't get mad at me, but it's a stretch to think he'll ever read this. Must be weird to be on his position, as a normal person and a celebrity, and it's weird being on my position, with many people, being both a fan and also treating them as a normal person. It's like with my friend Darth, I'm both a fan of his content and consider him not only a friend but a father figure, and it's weird saying that, because I already have a father, he is flawed, very much so, but he is loved, and it's not like I'm not flawed also. I don't drink, so there is that, and I'll never drink. Can't promise I'll never treat anyone poorly, though it's not even hard not to do so, but for sure I can say I won't drink, or can I? I mean, I've been around for 22 years, I can go the rest of my life without consuming alcohol... Anyway, this post is probably not going to be promoted, cause... I don't know, it's a more personal one! Well, if you are reading this, and not thinking "wow what a weirdo" or "he shouldn't have said people's names on it" or anything of the sort, you are a og! Thank you! And I see you next time!


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