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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which I plan my Christmas Card for 2024

Good morning, dear friend, reader of this post. Happy Sunday, and I wish you the best, both today and on the new week. I must say: September is going by very fast. It is not a bad thing on its own, but I dread the approximation of Summer. There is the bright side the season of holidays is coning, with special dates such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, specially Christmas on my end, since it is my favorite one. How are you, this Sunday? I was here very recently, so I do not expect you to be that much in a different mood, even if a lot can happen in even a couple of hours. s for me, I am... still afloat, recovering from a harsh day, of many tears and no hope. As I try to occupy my free time, I did manage to play some games, such as Sims 3, and Europa Universalis, as well as trying Victoria 3 once again. On Sims 3, as I was in much distress, I decided that I would treat myself to some expansions of the game that I was missing: those were the niche last one released for the game:

In Which we say Hello to the month of May!

Hello everyone! Happy Saturday and good morning! How is the weather? How are you? Feel free to say something in the comments, if you'd like! It is May! So, this month has a promising start, if will keep it that way, remains to be seen, but so far, let us hope for good moments and productive ones, also, paving the way for a nice winter, corn season and vacations. As for the plans for the month, I hope to stream more, if I can, I will return to my previous schedule, of streaming in the weekends and also perhaps a day a week. Apart from playing games by myself, I will see if I can play some Age of Empires with my friends, and perhaps Anno, also I played Anno 1404 recently with my friend John and it was very nice. I hope to draw more often, also, and like I mentioned before, I have a list of friends I wanna make fanarts to, including my friend Sam, and my friend J. Today, I finished a second portrait to my friend Gerald, and I think it looked nice, overall! Just gotta pay attention to the details when doing the drawings, and I will get the eyes, nose, eyebrows, hair and the face shape right, or close to it. Apart from drawings, gaming and streaming, maybe I could read more often? I don't know, just a thought, I have a book to finish, just can't find the motivation to keep on it! I don't know, I don't wanna force myself into doing it, but I think reading is cool. I hope I can make some progress in my Human Action Audiobook, it's such a long book! More than 60 parts, each one having at least 40 minutes each! I don't expect to lose much weight, because it's a process doing so, but if I do, by eating appropriately and by managing to do some walks, that would be very much welcomed, and would take the world out of my back, "you gotta lose weight, Daniel, do you wanna have diabetes?" and so on... there is no good side in being fat, your face is chubbier, you are more clumsy, you get tired faster and by consequence spend more time resting in bed (not necessarily bad, but this is a time where you could be working on some drawings, perhaps?), I don't need anyone telling me so frequently how much this sucks, I know first hand, but I also am not that miserable being fat, I mean, you get to live, anyway. It is what it is, takes time to lose it, for me it is a journey with many bumps. Well, enough talking about weight issues, at the end of the day, I'm okay with how I look, I don't think I'm handsome, but I'm not ugly, for me that's enough.

To celebrate May, I'd like to share this wiener dog wallpaper with you guys! There are more where this come from, if you'd like to see some nice wallpaper content, I have the tweets for it right HERE and HERE! Anyway, I had some good moments in this post, some bad moments, such is life. I'm glad to be still writing on the blog! I'm almost at the 3 year anniversary of it! So wonderful! So yea, there is a chance of 70% that this Monday I'll write a new post, so see you then! And if not, see you soon enough, have a nice weekend, much love!


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