Hello and good morning, everyone! Happy Wednesday! We are on a countdown! Only 6 days to wait for the new Anno DLC: The Tourist Season!!! How thrilling is that? Besides visitors and renowed personages, we are gonna receive, like the name say, tourists in our growing cities! I know I'm over the moon with excitement! I can't wait to build hotels, cafés and restaurants in my city, that will grow ever more elegant! We'll have also a very nice monument being added into the game, which is the Iron Tower, one I don't know how I'll fit in my already crowded city of Crown Falls, but well, I suppose there is a small chunk of undeveloped land to be filled with everything worth of it! If anything, I can always grab another island and fill it with everything pleasant and adorable for the demanding tourists. It wouldn't be so easy, but well, I'm playing without the AI, so yea... I'd be considering starting on a whole new map, but my contact with Annoholics such as Takarazuka and Itroo made me improve my Anno abilities, so I'm feeling more confident in fitting everything on my current save! And well, when this is wrapped up, the next one is sure to be ever so interesting! Did I mention we'll have busses into the game? Our already super crowded cities will receive even more cluttered vehicles to compete with space with our inhabitants! Those busses will be moved by pure Disney Magic and will take people to the museums and zoos of our bourgeoning International Center. I know I built quite the zoo on my current save, so much I almost ran out of influence points. I wonder if the Hotels will cost any of this alternative currency of the game, because if they do, I'll have to expand my city with more investors! You see, those are how things work on Anno, one thing pull the other and so on until you have a whole motion going!
Important to say, this is not my city, this is a City made by the Devs to promote their new material! You can check the post of this picture and yet more info about TS HERE
We are to see if this update of the game, filled with new mechanics and twecks to mess with, comes with unwanted bugs, glitches and crashes, those that make every gamer cry in their sleep. Also, I want to see how long Itroo, Taka, and others, take to master those new feats. As for me, I don't think I'll master it, I'll just learn how to walk on my own two feet on this new pack! Seriously though, the bugs and glitches are a real concern, that are already making many reconsider their enthusiasm for this massive upgrade on the existent attractiveness and visitor system of the game. As for me, I don't know, the enthusiasm is plenty to keep going even with those valid preocupations. Also, will the game undeliver on those new feats? Other real concern for many. My enthusiasm, again, goes on, but many packs of the game, such as the Land of Lions one, that added the Research Institute to the table, only kick in very late into it, you gotta build a huge city in order to fully take advantage of the powerful bouses. Same with Seat of Power, where the palace is only available when you reach investors, and it is so expensive, took me a whole year to learn how to use it. Anyway, concerns apart, I'm excited, less than a week to go! I hope to get the pack on release, hope it's not too expensive, as my funds are under a budget, but well, wow this post is getting long, you guys know how I feel about long posts, so, I'll end it up here. Thank you everyone for reading, means a lot, if you'd like me to explain further what are those Anno features I mentioned let me know! Wish you the best!!!
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