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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we return to SimCity 2013, victim of blind spots...

Good afternoon, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Tuesday, how are you? How have the first week of 2025 treated you? An auspicious start, so I hope! As for me, I am okay... at moments, because I have been trying some different things on my games and computer, I feel in the dark, walking in circles with no purporse and so I become frustrated. The hobby has also caused me to be less mentally available for drawing or writing, at least over the past few days, which is also a source for dismay. In retrospect, though, it's not all bad. I think my first drawing of 2025, the cherry tree, tradition since 2022, looked quite charming, and I trust I will do some more at some point real soon, there is no reason for any stress I'd say, even if I stress all the same. The year caused me to become surprised with its walking, because on a chain of events that started with SimCity 4, released 2003, I ended up returning to the infamous title SimCity 2013, famous for ending SimCity as a franchi...

In Which we say Farewell to June! Month in which I unified the HRE as France in Europa Universalis 4! And a small tribute to my favorite authors

Hello and good evening, my friend, reader of this post! I mean, it's almost 5PM and the sun is becoming darker, so the evening is closer than the morning is. We are here today to say farewell to corn season and to June, the month of my blog's birthday! It wasn't necessarily how I was planning to celebrate the blog's special ocasion, but well, it is what it is, and I can't feel too much bad for myself, it wasn't a tragedy by any means. Just wish I could've done more posts is all, but well, we'll have July for that! And the birthday stream was short and unremarkable, but nothing to it, really... I'm fairly satisfied with things. How was your June? Mine was marked by videogames such as Age of Empires 3 (that I mentioned on the other post), the downfall of Instagram, going down in flames just like' Jesse James' with that awful new layout. I believe the end of the month will be forever in my heart as the moment where I did my first run on EU4 without following any particular guide, my run as France, where I ended up forming the HRE, once again! The only thing I did, at the beginning, was to restart till Burgundy didn't rival me, the rest? I was playing on Ironman so I couldn't cheat and had not much room for mistakes. My answer to that was to play it a safer, more slowly paced, diplomatic heavy game, and it paid off beautifully! How it did, not only I managed to get all my desired goals but more than that, I freaking entered the HRE, was elected to become Emperor, and then I made that failing institution thrive once again. The roman empire was in shambles when I took the throne, the imperial authority was waning down, and I turned back the clock of its destitution! I couldn't be happier. Apart from Europá, and games, and social media going away for me, I also made the most significant (expensive) investment of my life till this point and got a second screen! Amongst other things. I'm pretty happy with it. I am also reading a mind blowing book on the nature of beauty, written by the most significant scholar of the last century, Roger Scruton, a man that wrote on all the possible topics, from music to even sexual pleasure and culture. Never saw anyone as passionate about beauty as him, who is not only a scholar, but also a composer himself. First got acquainted with him in 2016 on his documentary on beauty, then, now, I finally am expanding myself more on his world, a world that I can't help but... just be in awe of how deep and wonderful it is. Like my favorite author, Robert K. Massie, Sir Scruton is not on this Earth anymore, pains my heart, but they both are dead, only in body, though, as they left a wonderful legacy in both history and art studies! Here it is my homage to those remarkable minds, and my thank you.

Tomorrow we will enter on a new month, hopefully it will be a good one, and I will certainly write saying hello to it. Again, as homage to the passing of Mr. Massie and Sir Scruton (that was indeed bestowed a knighthood) with this post I include those flowers from my Best of Instagram moment. And yes... with that, I see you guys again real real soon with a new one.


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