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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we begin March with Heretical Ideas for Education

Good evening, my friend, reader of this post! How are you, today? I would like to wish you a happy new week and a happy March! The change of seasons is incoming, and I have survived the worst of summer, that is a positive! How have you been? I know, I did not write much in February, but I should be grateful that I wrote at all, given the mental challenges faced by me. All a matter of perspective. So, I had my first nightmare in a while... another one that takes place in high school. Most of them do. It was a horrendous time of my life, and the more I am in time detached to it, the more I realize maybe I am more resilient than I think I may be, as those days were just hellish. I find very little saving graces about them. I desire I could be homeschooled, and I think it would have saved me most of the terrible experiences in dealing with the worst of the worst of humans, with the devil in the place of their souls. Not just humans, but also seeing in first hand the communist apparatus in ...

In Which I lose track of time (yet again) and Victoria 3 is being released TOMORROW!

Good morning, friend! Happy Monday! Happy new Week! How are you today? How are things going? I am doing okay, I'd say! Starting off a new course, doing the activities for it, so that is good! I've been playing a lot of EU4 because that game is so addicting! I also finished reading a very good book, Fossil Future, by Alex Epstein, who talks in depth about fossil fuels, its importance in our life as a whole, the importance of energy, and its difference from normal electricity (that I wasn't aware of), all the opposition it faces, the one we are painfully aware of, an opposition growing ever more chaotic and immature, like the ideas of the left do to a person, it devolves them back to a primitive life form. I wouldn't say a "baby", because babies are amazing little humans full of life and potential. The potential of someone captured by the left is gone, and its life will be sacrificed for its man-devouring ideology. The book also talks about the side effects of fossil fuels, such as the emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, and puts on balance the pros and cons of such movement, adding up though that we are in a pretty low period of CO2 concentration, even our levels of oxigen aren't what they are supposed to be in past ages. I don't have a problem with CO2, because I like being alive, and being alive means shelter, means air conditioning, means plastics for all sorts of different things, such as hospital equipment, shop bags... the list goes on and on and on, and beyond just amenities, so yea, I have no issue with CO2, but if you do, I found out that the amount that is being emited, in the same rhythim, won't cause many issues, as... I saw the chart in the book, and the amount of CO2 we have right now, even plus the amount that was emited, is so low, that is close to irrelevant, even. The book says clear that climate change is a factor, even man-made climate change, but yes, a factor, not a life existencial threat, not even close to a very serious issue. The book talks about so many things, the author did his homework in many things. I couldn't recommend it enough, in fact, I will leave the link for the book here on the post! Don't be afraid to spend the money in this one, guys, it is a massively life-changing read.

Speaking of fossil fuels and progress, Vic3 is coming tomorrow! How amazing is that? I've been waiting for that game since I first played Vic2 and loved it so much. Many Paradox gamers, fans of Vic2, have been waiting for a decade or so. I was very skeptical if they'd deliver a good game, and a game with a balanced approach to history, such as EU4 for example, but at the dawn of its release, I am positive it will be a great experience! I just hope the game is what it promises to be, a true successor of the worthy Vic2, and that be reflected on the sales and the reviews. A good game will only get good reviews if it's actually good (with notable exceptions), it can sell a lot, but if it's like the tragic Imperator event (I don't even know if that game is bad, I do know it didn't work though), then it will just be a bag of money with no content, and I don't think that is good for a company in the long run, or even the short one, I am sure Paradox don't want to be EA, because no one should strive to be EA. I wonder what will be the first nation I will play as... I could play as Brazil, as Austria, as Russia... or do I want a true challenge and play as Korea? I mean... I am not sure, but I am looking forward to see the big opportunities.
Well, my friend, this post is getting a bit on the big side! You know how I feel about big posts, I don't like them! It gets cluttered, not intuitive to read, I value a swift comprehensive experience, as well as improv and letting creativity flow, expressing my ideas, and so on! Time to wrap things up, and I'll see you on the next post, hopefully before the end of October. What we'll have? I will see if Vic3 already gives me inspiration to write a quick review... I could write about college again, a bit about my slower drawing production... we'll see. Wish you the best, and I see you again real real, REAL REAL 


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