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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we return to SimCity 2013, victim of blind spots...

Good afternoon, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Tuesday, how are you? How have the first week of 2025 treated you? An auspicious start, so I hope! As for me, I am okay... at moments, because I have been trying some different things on my games and computer, I feel in the dark, walking in circles with no purporse and so I become frustrated. The hobby has also caused me to be less mentally available for drawing or writing, at least over the past few days, which is also a source for dismay. In retrospect, though, it's not all bad. I think my first drawing of 2025, the cherry tree, tradition since 2022, looked quite charming, and I trust I will do some more at some point real soon, there is no reason for any stress I'd say, even if I stress all the same. The year caused me to become surprised with its walking, because on a chain of events that started with SimCity 4, released 2003, I ended up returning to the infamous title SimCity 2013, famous for ending SimCity as a franchi...

In Which Scanning is not a flawless procedure

Good morning dear reader of this post, my friend! How are you today? How are things going? I do wish you the best! I am here, waking up way earlier than I should, and really wanted to update the blog! I love this feeling indeed! Though yesterday was not a day In which I was mentally 100%, because I felt overwhelmed of things to do and at a certain point I just wanted to stay in bed, I did manage to scan the total of 9 drawings! So, I mean, sometimes you have a productive time, but doesn’t feel good, does it? It sucks. I really don’t wanna force myself to draw, but I also have all those ideas I’d love to see on paper… can be a pain! I have a whole list of drawings to do, a Christmas project I am thinking about… I know it is Halloween, and I appreciate the holiday very much, but I don’t feel too inspired by it this season… anyway, Halloween has been a time of melancholy for me since 2016. And there is college, that is about to begin. I am concerned for college, because I want to do the stuff for it, and I must, as well, and unlike drawing, this is my formation, not a hobby, so forcing myself, though never ideal, may seem like the way to do it sometimes… my mind can be chaotic… I am glad, though, in spite of those many issues, because I at least am struggling due to have a lot to do, not the opposite, struggling because of boredom and lack of direction is worse than that. I suppose we don’t have flawless things, do we? And we do strive for it anyway, and I think it is not a bad thing to strive for ideal… the point is, also: scanning has its downsides, since I like to have high resolution drawings on my digital library, the scanning can take as much as 15 minutes to complete, in this very tiring process. The file is a bit big, and overexposed, so you also gotta tone down the lights on it, through editing. Editing a drawing is dangerous, because it has that evil incentive of you to distort the colors, make it pop more, which I’m not about. I like to have the drawing faithful to its paper version. Taking a picture of the drawing is, I believe, still worse than that, though, because you have external factors, such as shadows and the camera distortion into it. It is fast and simple to take a picture, and the file has way less megabytes, but I do like the scanned quality… I could also scan it with my phone. This is a nice alternative, still I prefer the scanning machine because the quality is better still. I like to really zoom into the drawing and look at the pores of the paper, if you may.

Here is a sample of one of my scanned drawings, this chaotic guy with three jumpers was done at some point in July 2022, a period of productivity I'd say!

This is what I wanted to share with you guys today, if you saw value in that, I am grateful! Thank you! I believe the post is getting quite long so I will be wrapping it up, but hope to return here real soon with more stuff! Real real soon! Hopefully on the weekend? I mean, let’s pray that God grant me the inspiration and the energy to do it! Until the next entry, see you real real soon, real soon.


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