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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we return to SimCity 2013, victim of blind spots...

Good afternoon, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Tuesday, how are you? How have the first week of 2025 treated you? An auspicious start, so I hope! As for me, I am okay... at moments, because I have been trying some different things on my games and computer, I feel in the dark, walking in circles with no purporse and so I become frustrated. The hobby has also caused me to be less mentally available for drawing or writing, at least over the past few days, which is also a source for dismay. In retrospect, though, it's not all bad. I think my first drawing of 2025, the cherry tree, tradition since 2022, looked quite charming, and I trust I will do some more at some point real soon, there is no reason for any stress I'd say, even if I stress all the same. The year caused me to become surprised with its walking, because on a chain of events that started with SimCity 4, released 2003, I ended up returning to the infamous title SimCity 2013, famous for ending SimCity as a franchi...

In Which we Talk about Victoria 3 and the Pandora's Box

Hello to you, my awesome friend, and happy Monday, it is a new week, and that is awesome! How are you? How was your last week or so? As for me, I've been playing Civilization 6, Europa Universalis, been reading the biography, and sometimes I even get to draw, so that is wonderful! Only today have I been having issues with my book that I ordered, I am so bothered by what happened! Because of a detail in the address, it could not be delivered, which means I will likely have to ask for a refund... paperwork, that is a bother, and a huge one at that. I considered not even writing a post today due to how upset I am, but I really wanted to update the blog after, again, many moments of inactivity. So, what can we talk about today? Well...

Victoria 3 is coming with a new patch update the 26th of May, if I'm not mistaken, and with that, they will release their first dlc content, focused on the tragic political theories of the 19th century, because most of them were just that: awful. From Anarcho Communism, to Socialism, to technocracy... once people started to deviate from economic freedom, liberalism, and the proper development of the rule of law, things ought to go badly. Of course, as I've been realising, none of the said liberalism means anything if not framed by strong moral and values. In my mind, I have this pendulum that goes sometimes on the more classical liberal direction, and sometimes more on the conservative one. Reading more on the Thatcher saga, the three volume biography, I am getting again in touch with some ideas that I always had but were a bit forgotten. What an incredible figure she was! All her ideas were spot on, and yet, something ought to end at some point, and after 10 years in office, cracks are becoming bigger and more threatening. There is the European Union and the Exchange Rate Mechanism front, which she is full on at odds with its admnistration powerful names, such as Geoffrey Howe, for example. There are so many others but I am not always good in recalling names. I was gonna name other fronts, but the issues concerning the trap that was the EU wrap them together, because they risk making the inflation and with that, the purchasing power of the average british, a situation again out of hand. Of course Britain was in such a better position concerning economic freedom after her many crucial reforms, but as the money printing keeps being mismanaged, an issue ever since the gold standard was abolished, and the fact that they did not manage to cut spending... that was the death kneel of the Thatcher project, one of the most beautiful things that graced freedom of economic history, ruined by the inability of the government to curb the Welfare State, and the lack of vigour of Mrs. Thatcher on being AGAINST the European Union. No, she wasn't enough, she should've had buldoze the whole thing, the whole european project, and after that demolished the welfare state as a whole, the issue of dependency only exists because the said welfare created bad incentives in the first place, distorting the market and corroding society to the sorry state we have today. Am I asking much of her? Most likely, and her successors were much more responsible for the mess we are in than she was, if she is ever to be blamed by anything going wrong, but that is not the point. The point is: John Major is not my hero, and I detest Tony Blair, she, however, she speaks on my behalf, she is my hero and representatitve, so I have high standards for my hero, standards that the actual person could not achieve. Those are not the only issues in her government, I have reservations towards the community charge thing, but the European Project and the Exchange Rate Mechanism make that one pale in comparison. Just because a bit of free market is better than no free market, doesn't mean we have to just take the bitty bit, we must aim at a freer society, freer markets, entrepreneurs, employees and employers empowered with the power of choice. Always. That is what Socialism is against, and that is where I stand, no to socialism and its bureocrats organizing it all top down. 

And this mess all started on the political theories of the 19th century, most of them ghastly to a fault. That is what is coming on the first Vic3 dlc. I wonder if they should've had focused on other points of the game, but well... This is the divagation store, and divagate through the shelves of thoughts we will, we lose ourselves in this, but we find ourselves back in track again, ready to go on!

I am mentioning the Pandora's Box in this post because that is what the 19th century political theories are.. or, to think better, maybe the rejection of liberal values may be to blame opening the pandora's box that has those doctrines inside. Well, point is, time to wrap this post up! I am ever so happy to see you here once again, my most excellent reader and friend! I want to keep on writing on the blog, but sometimes I lack a bit of it all necessary to create something I'd be proud of. I feel the stakes are getting higher and I don't like that much.. Well, I hope to return real soon with more stuffs of the mind, I see you again real real real real soon, hopefully before the end of April, but who knows, even this week I could write something! We'll see.... 


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