Good morning, dear friend, reader of this post, and I wish you a happy Friday! How are you, today? I am okay, I’d say. The past few ones were bad days, alas. Very bad. I am recovering, thankfully, but I had to go through some emotional and stress hell. I don’t know what to say apart from this. I don’t desire to submit you, my friend, to another session of lamentation. I understand this is my blog, but I don’t want to test the patience of my friends. I truly appreciate you all, for being here and considering giving a bit of your time to read what I have to say. It is a bit daunting, true, when I think about it. Some days, alas, I have nothing to say but stuff on my woes. Let it be missing a dearest of friends, wishing we could chat some more, wishing the friendship to survive for ever. Let it be family conflicts, and the bad memories mixed with the good. Ah… how unhappy one can be! Catherine II of Russia used to say “we ought to be happy and smile, this is the way to endure life and move on!”. It is quite a mission, somedays.

I am happy to say I worked on a drawing, today! Made out of my thoughts, I drew a ginger guy, a Lombardic man. I guess I was mildly influenced by the music I was listening to. Instagram today recommended me some Disco Italiano. The song that played is deviously catchy, and so, we have the italian ginger guy with very voluminous hair. It is indeed fun how things go, I mentioned it before, that I thought I was done with Instagram, a year and some months ago. Now, I use it as much as before the grand crash of 2020-2021. I wonder what does it take for a social media to take off. Many have tried to fill the gap that almost was left on vacuum when Twitter and Instagram faltered, to no avail. Those two keep existing. Impressive.
I should visit grandma, tomorrow. My aunt is there with her, much to my dismay. I used to be fond of her, until I decided she was using me as a listener to her complaints about the family. I don’t want to be dragged into any conflicts. As much as it is nice to have someone to talk to, she is not someone I can trust, having her own agenda. Well… what else is there to be said? I have been staying at home the past few ones. Cannot order food for lunch atm, or I don’t know when I’ll resume doing this. Had a huge conflict with my mother precisely on my spending habits. What I have eaten the past few days, is just my basic breakfast food. I don’t know if she has gotten any frozen meal, which I’d appreciate. I ought to mention the fact my surgery, before given as something that would happen, now is being called into question. On that, for now, I can say that I… understand the benefits, but I don’t know if I am on the headspace for such procedure. I at least have to painfully think some more on this. With this being said, because this post is getting bigger than I was anticipating, I must wrap things up.
Again, I wish you a happy Friday, and weekend! I most likely will return next week with more thoughts, ideas, and so on. Until then, see you real real real real soon! Au revoir!
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