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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we begin March with Heretical Ideas for Education

Good evening, my friend, reader of this post! How are you, today? I would like to wish you a happy new week and a happy March! The change of seasons is incoming, and I have survived the worst of summer, that is a positive! How have you been? I know, I did not write much in February, but I should be grateful that I wrote at all, given the mental challenges faced by me. All a matter of perspective. So, I had my first nightmare in a while... another one that takes place in high school. Most of them do. It was a horrendous time of my life, and the more I am in time detached to it, the more I realize maybe I am more resilient than I think I may be, as those days were just hellish. I find very little saving graces about them. I desire I could be homeschooled, and I think it would have saved me most of the terrible experiences in dealing with the worst of the worst of humans, with the devil in the place of their souls. Not just humans, but also seeing in first hand the communist apparatus in ...

In Which I talk about routine and friendships...

Good morning, dear reader of this post, my friend! Happy Tuesday, and I wish you the best! How are you, today? How are things? As for me, I am okay! Right now, just fine, but the morning was rough, very much so. I wasn't too inspired in playing videogames, which is a huge issue since it is what I like to do in the morning time, I guess this was due to Europa Universalis, oh, that game that I do have a love-hate relationship with. How I detest that. Lunch was a risk that did not pay off, how so? I tried a new restaurant, the price was quite fine, but when it came to the food? Too little, and mediocre quality. I learnt my lesson: never again on this restaurant, though I may try others in another moment and so on. Fortunately, the day took a turn for the better when afternoon came! I was more inspired in playing a game, I tried Civ 6. As the day goes on, I may try a drawing, even! I may also play another game. What one, I have not figured, but I pray God help me with a lucid mind to be able to decide.

I have some good news, also! I finished reading the biography on Archiduchess of Austria Maria Theresa, what a woman what a family. One cannot say they were not great! I am happy to have finished this huge and remarkable story! It talks in lenght about everything mid-18th century Austria, it is a fascinating world that I'm much fond of. Now, onto the next book go I...

Self Portrait of Maria Christina of Austria. Of all the Habsburg daughters of Maria Theresa, she was the most artistically gifted!

Today is a successful one! I started badly in a sorry mood, but now, I am somewhat recovered, at least in a better emotional state than before. The blog was going to be a series of laments, but fortunately I turned it around! Of course, not everything is ideal...

How I miss my friends! I haven't been able to chat with anyone. Not Evan, not Johannes, not Charles... I am alone, and life can be so bland when you are in such state. I want to chat, yet no one is around, not online, and needless to say, not in real life, where I don't have any friends left. Everyone is busy or absent, and that hurts! This morning was the worst of it. Now, even if I miss the dearest of friends, I am meddling about better. I am sure Evan will come around soon, he has been traveling anyway. Johannes, busy as he is, dear friend, hope we can chat soon, if God concedes him some time. Charles is struggling with allergies. Oh Charles, Evan, Johannes, my celebrated best friends, my matches intellectually, how I wish to speak to you again...they are not my only friends, of course! I also have SamFam, Tibor, Marco, Flo... I wish I could meet them all in person someday.

So... what else is there to be said, today at least? Friendship in the 18th century was a cultivated art, and I hope I can revive it in my circle. But well, for now, I should wrap up today's post... I am reasonably satisfied with what I got. But, of course, no worries, I should be back soon, hopefully on Friday or the weekend, for some more words to share. We are at the last week of February 2024, so I hope to write a post to wrap up the short month, anyway... see you again real soon! Real soon! Real soon!


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