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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we begin March with Heretical Ideas for Education

Good evening, my friend, reader of this post! How are you, today? I would like to wish you a happy new week and a happy March! The change of seasons is incoming, and I have survived the worst of summer, that is a positive! How have you been? I know, I did not write much in February, but I should be grateful that I wrote at all, given the mental challenges faced by me. All a matter of perspective. So, I had my first nightmare in a while... another one that takes place in high school. Most of them do. It was a horrendous time of my life, and the more I am in time detached to it, the more I realize maybe I am more resilient than I think I may be, as those days were just hellish. I find very little saving graces about them. I desire I could be homeschooled, and I think it would have saved me most of the terrible experiences in dealing with the worst of the worst of humans, with the devil in the place of their souls. Not just humans, but also seeing in first hand the communist apparatus in ...

In Which my Plants Perish, and April Begins in Good Ways nonetheless

Hello dear friend! Happy Thursday! How has your week been? As for my own, it was overall okay. Yesterday and Tuesday were a challenge, I was pretty much out of coffee. This day, fortunately, coffee is available, as dear mother did the groceries. Promising start, indeed! It is also the beginning of the month of April! I have finished the college stuff for March, and got a mild but passable grade in it. Partially, my own was 6,2 out of 10, I am still waiting for another point to be added, though, so hopefully I will be approved with a 7,2 out of 10, even if with a 6, I am passed on it, also. This April, for college, I am taking two disciplines, and I think I will do well in both of them... in the matter of studies, it has been promising. Less promising has been the state of my succulents, they are all dwindling because of the fact that the balcony does not receive enough sun. Such bother! I will give them water, but I am not sure for how long they will keep going. Apparently some are with fungus, even, which is a huge issue... I remember when I first got them, when I was in a pretty bad moment in my life, 2018, and wanted something new. I am not in the same place as I was, I still want to keep taking care of them, but plants were never really a passion of mine... I like them for the beautiful pictures, but taking care of them is a bother, many moments...

The leafs in this one are very hard, inflexible, and with no fluff, this plant is in bad shape, and so are many others in my garden...

In other matters, like with my drawing hobby for example... I find it hard to paint a proper picture, because yes, I have some ideas, but the desire to execute them in, not always is with me... I finished a drawing yesterday, but it was one waiting to be finished since the 3rd week of March, so not at all an April doing, not entirely at least. On the matter of games, I opened the month conquering the achievement I was looking after, in Victoria 3, cheers for that. I have been meaning to explore further the beautiful Sims 3 world, but I keep returning to my new save in Victoria 3, yet another run as my favorite country, the russian empire! The beginning of May, we'll have the new DLC for Vic3, also, I am truly looking forward to it! I trust I will receive it without additional charge! 

In May, I will also start properly the process to do the bariatric surgery, to treat my disease of obesity. That is a matter for May, though. For now, there is not much to do, but to wait. I am confident the affair will be done alright, but the prayers are in order, of course.

This April, grandma has truly moved to her new dwelling, so lunch should be a far more complicated matter... I know my last encounter with her was not much positive anyway, so when I see her again, I should proceed cautiously. I want to visit her new place, though! I am sure it is beautiful.

Concerning dear friends... ah, I always hope I will be able to chat with dear Johannes and dear Evan, my two favorite friends. Of those, the one I can chat more with is Charles, God bless him... I think I have matured over the years, some events happened concerning people, that in the past would definitely make my mind enter in self destruction mode: I got blocked by two people I followed that in the first moment I wish I could be friends with, one of them was extremely rude, to say the least, in the process. I have navigated those issues, though, quite alright, and haven't suffered nearly as much as I could have in lesser stable moments. In the past, I used to get frustrated when losing followers or being blocked... much more than now. These days, I overall am succeeding in thinking "well, the trash has thrown itself out, less trouble for me" and proceeding with my lamentations, that those bad folk do not make a part of, or at least not nearly as much... God is good, it helped me maturing over the years. 

Maturing is a slow and frustrating process, though, not constant. April will be another chapter in it, as it will also be another chapter in many other narrations that constitute my life... I guess I can put it this way. We are on day 4 of the month, I wanted to have written this sooner, but I think in the end taking some extra days was beneficial! Now, after journaling and so on, it is time to wrap today's post! You do not have to worry, though, as I shall return pretty soon, for more thoughts and reflections. When, precisely? I cannot say, but I hope in the weekend, and next week on the latest. Thank you for reading, dearest of friends! Happy new day, make sure to have a great one, I wish you the best, see you again real real soon!!!!


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