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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which the much waited DLC for Victoria 3 comes out!

Good morning, my friend, reader of this post! Happy Thursday! How are you and how was your week so far? How is the weather? As for me, I cannot deny it was a week with a great event, new DLC for Victoria 3 being released. The game, that I haven't touched much since May, was quickly revived by this new content. More on that, further on the this blog entry. I am overall okay, some ups and downs, I suppose it happens. At least I managed to sleep more reasonably Wednesday night, it has been rare for me to rest as much when I am supposed to do it, so that is a good achievement! The weather has been pleasant as well, cheers to that, I love Winter! How June is going by fast, at this point. Soon, it will be over. I already should plan on my Wrap up post of the month, so we can start July in a good way... one month closer to my birthday. I still hope I can switch phones, somehow, but financial troubles still haunt me. I did spend more in June than I was expecting, way more than I should, mu

In Which the surgery is tomorrow, and my Sims 3 era(?)

Good early morning, my friend! How are you, this Wednesday? My coffee saga of unslept evenings continue... hence my desire to write on the blog so late/early... it is also the eve of my surgery. Am I nervous or concerned? Not really any of those. I just desire to get this over with. I want to have a bit more control over my appetite, hence the surgery. Recover a bit of mobility and feel less heavy. I will go to the doctor today, later, and then tomorrow I will undergo the procedure. It is what it is... it sucks I can't have coffee right now. I miss it a lot. But well, at least sometime soon I will be able to have it again.

Before we continue, what a joy! My therapist decided to exhibit the drawing I gave her on her new office! Isn't that great?? Such an honor, I am so happy she liked my doodle!

Apart from the surgery, I wonder if I am on another sims era, this time Sims 3 era... and I wonder if that is a good thing. I ought to play other games as well... Victoria 3's new DLC got postponed and will only be released only in a month or so, I trust I mentioned it before. Europa's new content is closer, it will be released this May the 8th. Nice. I know Europa can be an extremely frustrating game, but it can be rewarding going through the stories and so on... I look forward to returning to it. Back to the sims, It is good to play the game and download assets to it, actually quite addicting, so why this aprehension? I think Sims 4 devalued the whole franchise, for starters. Also I hate the idea of losing time and being blind to the game's flaws, I am prone to that because I am really into the game at the moment. Anyway... apart from games... I would love to draw something at some point, but I think it will only come after the surgery time.

Concerning dear friends, it was Johannes's Birthday this Monday! I wished him the best, as I always do, and all the good things... Florius's Birthday was today I think, also wished him a happy Birthday! I hope I can chat with either of them at some point someday... on other good news, I could have a small talk with dear friend Evan the other day! How cool is that? I did have a moment of stress with Charles, though, God knows it was not trivial... I am evaluating our friendship... maybe I should not have mentioned the surgery to him once again, as he is not favorable of it...

April is going by quite fast, I think! It was a month of preparation for the surgery, or at least 3/4 of it were... like I said, I have been playing a lot of Sims 3, which is a game I have become fond of over the past months... my save in Hidden Springs is quite alright, though I miss Monte Vista, that beautiful italian world, with cypress trees and curvy hills... No wonder once The Sims was so popular, Sims 2 and 3 being such strong titles, with no one being able to tell precisely which one is the best of those two... I think I still prefer the Third entry, because it is hard to beat the Open World feature, as well as the customization in the game... Sims 2 does have better social functions and mechanics, true, but the world of Sims 3 is huge and vast and ever inviting all sorts of adventures!

So, yes, I will have the surgery tomorrow! I wanted to write a post before it, just to catch up with you all! I talked also about Sims 3 and mentioned the birthday of some dear friends! I hope I can wrap up officially the book I am reading soon, even if it ends on a frustrating cliffhanger... and with wrapping up this one, start to read the next! The month is not over yet, though the Surgery will be a milestone. I think, for today, I covered everything I wanted to cover. I will see you again after the surgery, hopefully around the weekend or on Monday. Until then, if you can send me a prayer... see you again real soon, wish you the best


  1. O Senhor é contigo! Confie nele a sua vida. Entregue-se a Jesus, que te ama e cuida de ti! Estarei aqui orando por você, pelo médico (que seja guiado pelo Senhor) e por toda a equipe. Fica na paz! Tenha uma noite tranquila e um sono reparador! Você está dando um grande passo e que mudará sua vida para sempre! Deus te abençoe, sobrinho amado!

  2. I wish you a successful surgery and a quick recovery, and also I will be sending you my prayers so that all goes well. You'll be alright. By the way The Sims is a really cool game, I played the first one and its expansion packs when I was younger.

    1. Thank you ever so much for the good wishes and prayers, Sir Doria! I appreciate them a lot, fortunately I am recovering well from the surgery! And yea, Sims is super cool! Glad you enjoyed the post!


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