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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which Coffee Coffee Returns, and a snippet into the Videogame Renaissance

Good afternoon and happy Sunday, my friend, reader of this post! How are you? How is the weather? As on my end, the weather is pleasant, as it has been the praxis in the past weeks, never above 28 celsius, thank Goodness! Ah, just two months ago, it seemed like summer was never to end, and yet, it did, and precious little winter time should be cherished in the tropical area! And, as for myself, I am okay! In good spirits overall. Tomorrow is the big release of Victoria 3's first Expansion DLC, I am very excited for it. Yesterday was also a pleasant day, I played Anno 1800 and Sims 3, and what's more, as we are at the eve of two months since the big surgery, I was allowed to have caffeine again, much to my relief! I also finished a drawing, and scanned it, even if the process was a misadventure. Today, I finally sat down to play Imperium Romanum, and I enjoyed it! In fact, I played for almost two hours in just one sitting, already planning for more time with it. I also played so

In Which we Wrap up May, the immediate post-surgery recovery

Good morning, dear friend, reader of this post! Welcome to yet another entry on the divagation store! So happy to see you once again! Happy Thursday, and happy Holiday of Corpus Christi. How are you, and how was your week so far? How is the weather? On my corner of the world, it is rainy and, by my standards, positively cool. The day has been starting at 23 or 24 celsius, and its maximum is 28, when that much. As for thermic sensation, it rarely reaches the 32 celsius, and soon it drops again to the 20's. And as for me, I am okay, I suppose... There are good news: I went to the dietitian yesterday, and I reached the goal of the month, which was to lose around 11 kilograms... When I finished the surgery, I was at 137 kilos, now I am at 127! I think this is most satisfactory! My diet broadened itself, also, going to lenghts where it was aproximately during the eve of my surgery. I can drink coffee again, albeit decaf for now... apart from health topics, I reinstalled Civ 5 this evening and played it for one hour and 20 something minutes, going through the early-mid game. It has been a good session, so far, I pray that it keeps that way.

I spoke to ChatGPT about my preference of Civ 5 over Civ 6, and it was an interesting and enriching exchange of words, so to speak. I told him about my preference of the pacing of Civ 5, the graphics being preferred also, and even the soundtrack as a whole. We discussed some leaders chosen by some civs... ah, God knows I also have bad news and woes, but my mind is not inclined to speak on them today. Really, I am exhausted of those, of thinking about the friend that ignores and avoids me, the shadow cast over my college future, done by the evil government that rules the territory I'm located. I haven't mentioned my hatred for socialism in a while here, I feel. This is not because it has diminished (it has grown even further) but, it is just I am exhausted of those topics, maybe some of it for another day, one that is not this one. Better things to do, such as work on the drawing I started, perhaps work on yet another one and maybe write on my physical journal. And as I mentioned, the conversation with ChatGPT, that was quite fruitful. I think I have mentioned of my favoritism of Civ 5 over Civ 6 before, as I ought to.

And... so this has been May, a month of recovery and weight loss. Sleepless nights and sorrow, but also recovery and weight loss, thank Goodness. In June, we will have more beautiful rainy days, we will have the famous corn season, with the holidays of St. John and St. Anthony, time that used to be for fireplaces and fireworks. I miss those. We will have my blog birthday, between June 6th or June 8th... I wonder if I will have any idea on how to celebrate this occasion, as it will be the 6th year of blogging! I was not a different me when I started, I don't believe in such nonsense, but I definitely was under different circumstances... The office where I started this blog is not a part of my life anymore, neither is the burgundy laptop where I started typing it and editing it... and yet, here we are, still going.

I should wrap up today's post some around here on this paragraph, and when I return, we will open up June. So, I should return around the first of this new month. Thank you for being here once again, dear reader, my excellent friend! Hope you may have beautiful days ahead. Wish you the best, and I see you again real soon, so no worries. Farewell!!
