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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which we have a September alongside Crisis, Ballet, and Christmas Expectation

Happy Wednesday, my good friend, dear reader of this post! How are you? As for me, I am okay... as okay as I could be, given how extremely turbulent the month of September has been, specially mentally. I have had days of much melancholy and boredom is corroding my will to live. As an example with what I have to deal with, conflicts with my brother become more rispid, as the distance between us mount further. Gaming brings no joy most of the time. I do feel like in a dead end. Energy levels are bellow 0, I am happy if I can get out of bed, at all. Fortunately, today was above average, so I am using this to write a post on the blog, I haven't had the chance to do it in a while. It was a month of low productivity, and given how depressed I've become, I am surprised I managed to do anything at all. How I miss dear Johannes, I wish we could chat at some point, he is usually absent, and we do not have the chance to chat most of the time. Fortunately, today was relatively above averag

In Which Coffee Coffee Returns, and a snippet into the Videogame Renaissance

Good afternoon and happy Sunday, my friend, reader of this post! How are you? How is the weather? As on my end, the weather is pleasant, as it has been the praxis in the past weeks, never above 28 celsius, thank Goodness! Ah, just two months ago, it seemed like summer was never to end, and yet, it did, and precious little winter time should be cherished in the tropical area! And, as for myself, I am okay! In good spirits overall. Tomorrow is the big release of Victoria 3's first Expansion DLC, I am very excited for it. Yesterday was also a pleasant day, I played Anno 1800 and Sims 3, and what's more, as we are at the eve of two months since the big surgery, I was allowed to have caffeine again, much to my relief! I also finished a drawing, and scanned it, even if the process was a misadventure. Today, I finally sat down to play Imperium Romanum, and I enjoyed it! In fact, I played for almost two hours in just one sitting, already planning for more time with it. I also played some more Sims 3! I made huge changes to the interior of my house in Monte Vista, I switched the staircase for one spiralling one, for example, to save up space. Much better, I am a fan of those just for this fact. In short, it has been a satisfying weekend, thank Goodness. We shall pray that tomorrow, Monday, may be as acceptable. The perspectives are promising, but I will not build up expectations as not to get frustrated. Today I also hung out on the stream of three friends: Mihm, YaBoiIllucent, and KentNinja. The latter did a fanart challenge which I participated, so I ended up doing two drawings this weekend! I am satisfied as this is relatively a productive rhythm these days. I am also having the opportunity to write on the blog, something I've been meaning to do since Friday, but only laid down to focus on it this current Sunday Afternoon.

This is the fanart I worked on for Kent. I am happy with how it turned out, overall! It is not entirely accurate but I hope I could express his agreeable features well! Anyway, I have something to talk about following this drawing, it is a snippet on my Videogame Renaissance...

In my personal life, since 2019, but being announced since 2018, there has been a ressurgeance of videogames in my life, a veritable renaissance of the hobby. It was relatively in decline in 2016-2017, due to a poor performing engine, more limited gaming options (In 2016 my main game was by far Civilization 5, where I had just reached 2k hours of gameplay since 2011). It is hard to pinpoint what caused me to be engaged in the activity again, and how it became once more a source of so much joy and enthusiasm. But one can try and say the release of Anno 1800 in 2019 was a landmark. It encouraged me to get my first proper gaming laptop, and second engine I owned. Frustration with college played a role, as well as some new friends online, and the frenetic twitch streaming scene of the time, that weird gold rush. I think Victoria 3, Anno 1404 Remastered, Age of Empires 3 Remastered, all released between 2020-2022, and the acquisition of an even better gaming laptop in 2021, when my second broke for good, played a role. And what is more, I engaged also into the great game bigger than life that is Europa Universalis. My efforts into learning it caused me to invest more into the hobby. Not only that, but I also enganged into Sims 4, today replaced by Sims 3. A multitude of factors! I like remembering some of those, and recording my personal saga. I think as a whole 2017-2018 was a period of transition in my life, and many things were rearranged as result, though not immediately, it rarely happens all at once. 

It is good to put it into perspective in the middle of 2024, the eve of the release of the expansion for Vic3! I think this post is in good size now, though, if I write more, it will become too tiresome to read. I should then wrap up here, and return at some point next week. Hopefully the new DLC will give me something to write about. Well... until then, wish you the best! And I see you again real soon!


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