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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which I plan my Christmas Card for 2024

Good morning, dear friend, reader of this post. Happy Sunday, and I wish you the best, both today and on the new week. I must say: September is going by very fast. It is not a bad thing on its own, but I dread the approximation of Summer. There is the bright side the season of holidays is coning, with special dates such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, specially Christmas on my end, since it is my favorite one. How are you, this Sunday? I was here very recently, so I do not expect you to be that much in a different mood, even if a lot can happen in even a couple of hours. s for me, I am... still afloat, recovering from a harsh day, of many tears and no hope. As I try to occupy my free time, I did manage to play some games, such as Sims 3, and Europa Universalis, as well as trying Victoria 3 once again. On Sims 3, as I was in much distress, I decided that I would treat myself to some expansions of the game that I was missing: those were the niche last one released for the game:

In Which August Closes with a Bad Omen

Good morning, dear reader of this post, my friend!! How are you, today? Happy Saturday! How was your week, and how is the weather? I am overall okay. The week was fine, I'd say, marked sort of by videogame burn out, unfortunately... the weather has been still pleasant, thank God, I should enjoy as I can, because Summer is near, and already we are at the end of August. I really hope and wish today I could recover some enthusiasm over playing something, or drawing something. Most times these days I see little reason to get out of bed. 

It is the last day of August, which is always a bittersweet moment, it is the end of the birthday season, and unfortunately we grow closer to dreadful summer. Do I have any plans for September? I am not sure, I hope I have still the desire to draw something, I hope I can write nice journal entries, and I hope I may play some nice videogames, if I can indeed ger over the burn out I have been going through. Maybe I should give Civilization a bit of a break... It is frustrating to keep restarting a match ans have another civ build the wonders I so desire, making me lose the joy on the game for the moment. I could play this new game that was released for early access Thursday, Memoriapolis. It seems like a promising entry, that I hope may keep being developed. As of the moment of this writing, the reviews sit at 79% of approval, which is fantastic, if you think of all the other games that failed and keep failing over the past few years or so. The situation of games is such that it is safe to say we are in a digital dark ages on this genre of industry.

If only the decay was limited to games and entertainment. Where I live, the communists that lead the country are closing the siege on the dissenting voices that still exist. Most people are growing hostile to the bad forces of socialism-communism, and derivatives, but fewer are willing to speak up, and I do not blame them. I can only speak of myself, that is exhausted of so many bad news and their advances. They have moved to ban Twitter/X access in the country, which is a terrible development. Needless to say, they won't stop there, I am sure next elections will be much more probe to fraud and their dirty tricks. Their language is vitriolic and egregious, so blind they are by their own bias, they call us that are not socialists all sort of bad names. It would not be so bad if people would not fall for their framing of the debate. I used to fear for the worse, but with a hint of hope that the worst case scenario could be just a bad vision. No. I fear for the worse now based not on predictions, but on their actual moves. In the advanced stage of the dictadorship that spreads, they will, like grasshoppers, devour the remaining will of most, leaving moving corpses, that will applaud them out of fear and manipulation... 

Decided to have the image of this beautiful edifice in this post... given the bleakness of the thoughts, I debated if I should add any picture, but in the end, decided for the "yes" alternative.

I have not mentioned such political views and debates on the blog these days because as I mentioned, I am exhausted, and because there are so many things going badly, I cannot keep up. I am not sure how much I have to live my life till they come for me. I hope I am exagerating, but like I said, the fear is based on an increasingly bleak reality. Even if I am not harassed immediately, they will demand I clap in support of their moves and visions, and will demand I participate on rheir struggle sessions. It is an unfolding nightmare. I just hope, in the end, God, that sees all, judge people accordingly, when time comes. God loves the righteous and hates them, that sow chaos and resentment, so they can rule earth, as a consolation prize for not being able to pierce through Him.

So, September will begin in an atmosphere of terror unfolding in the background. I can only hope to enjoy what I have left of any hint of carefreeness. With those grim predictions, I close today's blog entry. I will be back soon, of course, won't stop writing, must keep going business as usual. Life moves on, until it won't be able to do so, but that is a problem for tomorrow, and the gospel tell us not to worry for that day, as it will worry for itself. I see you again at some point this new week of September. Wish you the best, my friend, dear reader of this post.


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