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Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

“The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive.” – G.K. Chesterton.



In Which I plan my Christmas Card for 2024

Good morning, dear friend, reader of this post. Happy Sunday, and I wish you the best, both today and on the new week. I must say: September is going by very fast. It is not a bad thing on its own, but I dread the approximation of Summer. There is the bright side the season of holidays is coning, with special dates such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, specially Christmas on my end, since it is my favorite one. How are you, this Sunday? I was here very recently, so I do not expect you to be that much in a different mood, even if a lot can happen in even a couple of hours. s for me, I am... still afloat, recovering from a harsh day, of many tears and no hope. As I try to occupy my free time, I did manage to play some games, such as Sims 3, and Europa Universalis, as well as trying Victoria 3 once again. On Sims 3, as I was in much distress, I decided that I would treat myself to some expansions of the game that I was missing: those were the niche last one released for the game:

In Which we Open up September counting our blessings

Good afternoon, my good friend, dear reader of this post! Happy Monday, and most certainly happy month of September! New week, new month! How are you? As for me, I am okay, I'd say, nothing really out of the ordinary routine, which is not necessarily a bad thing, not at all. The weather stull has been fresh and pleasant, but I don't fool myself, it will take a turn for the worst soon, with the arrival of the hot winds of the end of the year, and summer. There is the consolation that most likely this 2024's summer was suffocatingly hot because of the fact we were passing through an accumulated El Nino phenomenon. This means that there is a chance the summer of 2025 won't be as egregious. One can only hope. Not all is dread, when it comes to the passage of time, though. Soon will be Christmas!! That glorious time, sacred and beautiful, with enchanting decorations and joyfulness, time for gift giving and receiving, reconciliation and the celebration of the birth of Jesus! I mention Christmas due to my personal love for it. But there are other holidays to look forward to, such as the Halloween time, for the friends in America and England, and the beautiful Thanksgiving holiday in America, time for sweet potatoes and seasoned turkey! Fall will come to the northern hemisphere, making everything orange. If only I could see the seasons, here where I live, time stand still on a summer that only gets mildly less hot during the mid of the year... I am not sure why people associate the tropics with happiness and bright times, I consider that lack of change of pace absolutely dreadful, depressing...

Very elegant gentleman with the colors of the season! Soon will be autumn, season for the orange colors.

What are my plans for this upcoming September? I hope to keep on having good time on playing videogames, Memoriapolis, the new game, comes to mind, hope I can keep the reasonable rhythm of drawing that I observed in August. I hope I can keep on writing... I wish I could have the opportunity to talk more with my dear friend, sir Johannes, but it is out of my control, and I think not entirely on his, either. Johannes is always so busy... I hope I don't have any conflicts with any friend. I wish I can keep supporting Jason, for example. He is such a nice guy. I like him a lot... and there is dearest of Charles, one of the great solances of my life, my hero and best friend. I am grateful for having the friendship of this smart and christian man! 

The trend for September, that may or may not keep on going, is to play Memoriapolis. I also got new mods on Sims 3, that enhanced my experience on the game! It is quality of life stuff, but still very much welcomed. I hope also I can read more, given I am reading a book on the Habsburg dynasty, and listening to another one, and I certainly have been taking my time on both... I think this is only valid, given I just want to have a good time reading the books and learning on my own pace. Speaking of learning, the subject for college this September is a continuation of Colonial Brazil, this time talking about the period of the 1760s to 1808. With the good teacher ministering this subject, I am sure at least I will have a good time learning more on the subject.

And, I think this is a good and positive way of opening this month, we better take the good as we can, given the concerning trends of late August. Maybe a good time to wrap today's journal entry? I suppose! Of course, you don't need to worry or to miss me, as I will be back sooner rather than later, hopefully before the weekend. Thank you for being here, dear friend, can always count on your company and support! I wish you the best, and I see you again real soon! Cheers.


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