Highlighted Quotes That Caught my Attention At The Moment

"I am the last monarch of the old world. As Emperor, it is my duty to protect my peoples from their politicians" -Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary



In Which we begin March with Heretical Ideas for Education

Good evening, my friend, reader of this post! How are you, today? I would like to wish you a happy new week and a happy March! The change of seasons is incoming, and I have survived the worst of summer, that is a positive! How have you been? I know, I did not write much in February, but I should be grateful that I wrote at all, given the mental challenges faced by me. All a matter of perspective.

So, I had my first nightmare in a while... another one that takes place in high school. Most of them do. It was a horrendous time of my life, and the more I am in time detached to it, the more I realize maybe I am more resilient than I think I may be, as those days were just hellish. I find very little saving graces about them. I desire I could be homeschooled, and I think it would have saved me most of the terrible experiences in dealing with the worst of the worst of humans, with the devil in the place of their souls. Not just humans, but also seeing in first hand the communist apparatus in work through the ministry of education and the awful awful curriculum forced upon all, as education is compulsory. I was thinking about that, given I follow the work of James Lindsay, that talks a lot about this theme. I also was upset with an online friend I have because he said some stuff on education I considered to be shocking. I had to bite my tongue, given if I expressed my own views, I'd likely not be welcomed there around him no more... now, after thinking, I can see why I was correct on the topic, but James also brings perspective to my own position of strong school choice. The perspective is: just that will not do, if leftists also control private institutions, if the maoist struggle sessions also happen at home, with leftist parents, which was my case. There must be also the complete shunning and abandonment of anything related to the devil and his name: Paulo Freire, and also the way he runs Hades: through "critical theory". It is hard not to call that man the devil, given the damage he has done to Brazilian education. Schools have taken down all forms of standard. Rules were forsaken in favor of "acceptance" and "social justice", as a result, bullies thrive, the cynical rule, and moral relativism transforms the environment into hell, for everyone that is not on their side of the cult, that does not subscribe to the law of the most loud and most violent. Teachers cannot teach when the students are yelling obscenities at one another, or on the process of mimic animal noises. Their curriculum is bad to say the least also, that does not help. It also does not help that the actual morality is: you are guilty of being behaved. You are bad because you are privileged, whatever that means. You can be privileged for having standards in music, you will not be allowed to pursue this, in fact you will be mandated to slash your standards. If you are righteous, they call you prude, and invite you to talk on sexual desires that no one should ever be invited to talk to, no matter what. If you are christian, they will mock God and say it does not exist... The bad teenagers yell on the back, and the dedicated student that manages to survive this, won't find any nourishment at all, the curriculum is reduced to: join the Labor's Party.

How to solve such monumental disaster? Well, given this is a personal and small publication, I am allowed more freedom of maneuver, as I am just sketching my frustrations. I would end the Ministry of Education as a whole, that would be the final goal of the big reform. But first, like Intellectual Property, the secret is to have it in your hands but not enforce it. Draft a road for it to become irrelevant, smaller and smaller. You have control, but you also allow for bigger freedom of curriculum, slashing the national exams test for example, allowing for homeschooling, descentralizing the administration of schools, only imposing any official directive if this would be direly necessary. One other thing would be something no central authority should ever have the power to enforce or pursue, as central bureocracy is evil. That thing would be encourage punishment for bad behavior. Encourage standards, say that they exist, and more: explain what those are, again and again if necessary. Tell the alumni why the classical spectrum of music and architecture are correct and atonalism and modernism are wrong. Explain and teach logic, grammar, and rhetoric, of course, within layers and reason, according to their age. Have classrooms for the ones that want to learn and the ones that do not... well, I would make education optional and not obligatory, so let then go their way. No one ever should be forced to endure any other human. No more forced cohexistence, end the charade. Pave a road towards the end and the shunning of communism. Pave a road towards the end and the shunning, the destruction of any socialism, national or international, and salt the earth where those bad edifices once stood. Saying like that, sounds almost violent, but it is not. In fact, actions that are well coordinated, organized and with the correct moral frame, that is the road towards beginning to heal as a nation of different people, of classically liberal minded people, of good and kind conservatives, but also firm, if they choose to proceed that way. 

This is the benefit of a personal blog. Though ideally I would develop those ideas, and they deserve to be developed, I for now am just putting out there some ideas, giving weight to the criticism James Lindsay has for school choice, and answering to my friend on his defense of compulsory education. I hope I am making sense. I am just trying to catalogue and put into systems what I always had lingering in mind. There is plenty to refine, but for now, I think many good thoughts were laid out. 

Is it time to wrap up another post? Alas, I think it is, you know I don't like to have a post bigger than necessary. A blog should be fun to read, not a chore. No one has to be here, those that are should be rewarded as much as they can, by the author. So, enough talk for today, time to wrap it up for now. My friend, don't worry, I should be back sooner rather than later, hopefully before this weekend... until then, I wish you the best, God bless you, and farewell! See you again real real soon!!!


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